Homeschool World Terms and Conditions
- Ad prices are locked in for the term of this contract. Otherwise, prices and conditions are subject to change without notice.
- We reserve the right to refuse or cancel any ad at any time. Listings that we cancel will receive pro-rated refunds less $50 setup fee.
- The advertiser and the agency (if any) agree to assume all legal liability, losses, and legal fees related to their listings on our web site. These include but are not limited to claims and suits for plagiarism, libel, copyright infringement, trademark violations, harm to minors, or invasion of privacy. They indemnify and hold harmless this company and its owners and workers from any such charges or suits.
- We will not be responsible for events beyond our control which cause our site to go down in full or in part. We also will not be liable for any losses due to the site being inaccessible.
- If you change your contact information, or remove your site from the web, it is your responsibility to tell us right away. We are not responsible to refund any amounts for incorrect information unless we are notified and a refund is requested in writing. There will be no retroactive refunds, regardless of how long your information has been incorrect; refunds are calculated based on the date we are notified of the cancellation.
- If you paid by credit card, you hereby authorize Home Life, Inc., to charge your credit card for each listing signed up for when each term of service expires, unless you have previously canceled that listing.
- You may cancel your listing any time and receive a pro-rated refund of the amount already paid, less the nonrefundable $50 set-up fee.
- Cancellations must be sent by fax or mail on your letterhead, with an authorized signature.
- No conditions other than those set forth in this rate sheet shall be binding on us unless specifically agreed to in writing by Bill or Mary Pride.