Twice as Effective as Any Other Source of Homeschool Advertising!
Just a brief note to let you know about our experience with
advertising in Practical Homeschooling Magazine.
As you know, our company is small, but growing steadily. When we
choose a source of advertising, it is important for each dollar spent to
achieve a specific return on investment. Although our combined
homeschooling advertising budget is relatively small, we have found
that our ads in your magazine consistently perform well. As much as
I believe that this is a function of a well-designed and well placed ad,
and the fact that we consistently advertise in each issue, I do believe
it has much to do with the regard that your magazine has within the
homeschool community.
As a matter of course, when people purchase our programs, we always ask where it was
that they first saw us or heard about us. On a percentage basis, actual responses
generated from your magazine outweigh any other source of homeschool advertising by a factor of at least 2 to 1. In addition to this, people routinely comment on the high-regard they they have for both you and your publication. In fact, what we have observed, is that our product is, in itself, held in higher regard purely as a result of our presence in your magazine.
Thank you for your
work, your efforts
and your support.
Kind regards,
Neil Moore
Founder & Executive Director, Simply Music
My Favorite Homeschool Magazine
"PHS is my favorite homeschooling magazine. "A Day at
Our House" puts me in touch with real life families, which I
find very encouraging. Thanks for all you do. Your
magazine is a ministry to me."
Rhonda Harris NC, US
"We have been homeschooling for over 8 years now and
have been subscribers longer than that! I love your
curriculum reviews and 'A Day At Our House.' I've got a
link on my website recommending your magazine as my
'favorite homeschool magazine'."
Gina James AR, US
So Grateful
"Before my husband and I married, he told me he wanted to
homeschool our future children. I found PHS when our eldest
was 3. Now, three years later, I am still so grateful for PHS!
It has opened many vistas for me, and for our
homeschooling family."
Carole Jernigan CA, US
Love Receiving It
"I love receiving your magazinesÑkeep up the excellent
Tanya Weisbrodt SK, Canada
It's An Education
"We have been reading your magazine since we started
homeschooling. Your magazine has been an education for
us. It has taught, encouraged, and at times ministered to us.
Thank you for such a wonderful magazine. We look
forward to every new issue."
Landi Miret FL, US
Helps Readers Evaluate Curriculum
"I love the magazine, it is extremely helpful. It helps me
evaluate curriculum and offers much needed support to
pursue this "alternative" education."
Renee Choate TX, US
Great Ideas and Encouragement
"I've been reading PHS since we started homeschooling in
1996. I shared those old issues with new homeschoolers
because of the great information. PHS continues to give me
great ideas to try and encouragement from the "Letters"
section each month."
Elaine WI, US
Makes it a Good Day
"Practical Homeschooling is "down to earth", informative,
and interesting! When I see it in my mailbox I know it's
going to be a good day! I love it!"
C. Sonmor CO, US
Helps Non-Homeschoolers, Too
"I've been reading your publication for years. We haven't
been able to homeschool our son full-time, but thanks to your
magazine, we are supplementing his education. Thank you
for this valuable resource!"
Julie Clark VA, US
Product Reviews Readers Trust
"I love the product reviews which often are true critical
reviews. I am glad that you publish the con's of some
products rather than only publishing positive reviews.
Knowing both strengths and weaknesses of a product, book,
or curriculum is important."
Christine Montano CT, US
Helps Readers Find Suppliers
"I could have never found the wide variety of supplies
without you. Thank you for keeping up-dated and also
keeping the "old ways" for people like me."
Mrs Frank Luck MO, US
A Wealth of Advisors
"When I started to home school 12 years ago there were
very few advisors I could go to for wisdom. PHS became my
wealth of advisors to whom I could go day or night, finding
wit, wisdom and encouragement."
Ruth Gervat NJ, US
Better Than an Education Degree
"I don't know what I'd do without you ! As a former teacher,
and now a homeschooling mother, I rely on your magazine
to offer a wide range of educational topics. I've learned
more from your columnists than I did in college for my
education degree!"
Ellen Stanclift ME, US
The Definitive Homeschool Magazine
"I absolutely love PHS! It is the definitive magazine for
homeschoolers. I eagerly await each issue and devour it,
from cover to cover, the day it arrives in my mailbox."
Susan Moore SC, US