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What’s in the Current Issue of Practical Homeschooling?


  • Learn about Trail Life USA, a recently formed alternative to the Boy Scouts, & what they offer homeschoolers as individuals and as co-ops
  • How to spot the signs your senior is ready . . . or not . . . to leave the nest
  • What today’s homeschool parents can learn from a VERY well-known pioneer mom
  • Tips for how to measure and improve fluency in basic academic skills
  • Proper service dog etiquette (not for the dogs, who already are well trained, but for us and our kids!)
  • The inspiring story of a homeschooled teen who wins dance competitions, acts in plays, and takes advanced, demanding courses, all while overcoming health challenges


  • Attorney Antony Kolenc asks, “What influence might new federal laws have on homeschoolers?”
  • Emily Redman offers creative strategies for including our littlest ones in our homeschool
  • Melissa Morgan shares ways a garden can add so much real-world learning to your homeschool
  • Melissa Williamson presents cooking and nutrition as real-life electives for your middle schooler
  • College-prep expert Dr. Kuni Beasley shows how to harness the power of momentum for college admissions – and scholarship – success
  • What Janice Campbell and her boys learned from the very first crocus of spring


  • Classical education: why is it under attack?
  • New survey asks what kind of education makes kids happier. Surprising answer (OK, maybe not THAT surprising!).
  • Common Core test workaround.
  • What’s up with MOOCs? (And what ARE MOOCs, for those who don’t already know!)
  • The benefits of tough grading.


  • Two movies and three associated books about new discoveries in ancient Egyptian history affect everything from where/when/if the Exodus happened, to whether Homer actually wrote the Iliad and Odyssey, and more!
  • Professional cooking techniques taught in a way even a pre-teen can understand


  • What we need to know about coaching youth sports
  • Egyptian hieroglyphics made easy
  • Nature art
  • Free-play adventures
  • Fashion sewing at home


  • Contests for subscribers with awesome prizes!
  • Ads with special offers

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