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Arizona Homeschool Groups

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homeschool support groups in AZ
Arizona Families for Home Education (AFHE) Edit Remove More
P.O. Box 2035, Chandler, AZ 85244-2035
Phone: (602) 235-2673
Email: homeschool@afhe.org
A statewide organization that exists to protect the rights of Arizona parents to teach their children at home. Membership with AFHE is open to all homeschooling parents in Arizona. AFHE is a non-profit educational corporation directed by a Christian Board.

Arizona Christian Homeschoolers Edit Remove More
18874 N. 71st Lane, Glendale, AZ 85308
Contact: Anne Stone
Phone: (623) 561-8535
Email: arizonachristianhomeschoolers@cox.net
We are a Christian, non-denominational support group serving the Northwest valley (Glendale, Peoria, Surprise, and nearby cities). Currently, we provide information regarding homeschooling issues, advice, and information on what is going on in our community.

Arizona Homeschool Adventures Edit Remove More
16026 N. Cave Creek Rd Suite #7
Contact: Mandy Taylor or 480-628-9257
Phone: 480-628-9257
Email: msmandytaylor@gmail.com
Calling all Parents! It's time to take your children on an Arizona adventure. Let's get outside (Or inside) and learn something new alongside your child. We'll meet once a week with a hands on activity. Ever wonder what it takes to care for a horse? Want to learn how to make a leather dog collar? How about a trip to a local refinery where you will actually see gold being poured into a mold? These are just a few of the things you will learn AND do alongside your child, spouse, or grandparent.

Arizona Homeschool Chapter Edit Remove
Contact: Sharla
Email: pieseas2010@hotmail.com
We are a homeschooling Facebook community for the state of Arizona for families who are doing either “traditional”, “unschooling”, or “virtual public school” at home. We welcome everyone in Arizona regardless of religion, race, or age. We encourage friendships among families and will have many opportunities to get our children together in person. We run many local events here in the Yavapi area such as monthly "Behind the Scenes" Field Trips, Park Day, Game Time, and Zoo Educational Classes. Search us on Facebook: Arizona Homeschool Chapter Read more...

Branches Homeschool Community Edit Remove
Renovation Church, 5604 N 24th Street, Phoenix, AZ 85016
Contact: Christine Stauffer
Email: christine@brancheshomeschool.org
A Christian homeschool co-op community that offers academic and enrichment classes, sports activities and clubs weekly on Thursdays to families in the metro Phoenix area. Fees include $50 annually and a variable fee per semester to cover costs of supplies. Read more...

Christian Home Educators of Tucson - Northwest (CHET-NW) Edit Remove More
Serving Northwest, West, Central Tucson; Marana and Catalina areas
Email: chet_nw@yahoo.com
A Christian group offering fellowship, support and activities for the parent-directed homeschool family.

Christian Home Educators of Tucson - Southeast Edit Remove More
Serving Northeast and Southeast Tucson
Email: chetseprez@gmail.com
A non-denominational, Christian group existing to support families in their endeavors to home school. We offer P.E, field trips, Youth Group, Mom's Night Out, and more.

Christian Homeschoolers of Fountain Hills Edit Remove
PO Box 17782 Fountain Hills, AZ 85269
Contact: Adrianne Matthews
Phone: (360) 421-5079
Email: rna.matthews@gmail.com
The purpose of CHFH is to support and encourage Christian families who choose to educate their children at home. CHFH provides support, fellowship, social activities, field trips, and educational and cultural activities for member families. It is a nonprofit group. Read more...

Covenant Home School Resource Center (CHSRC) Edit Remove
1117 E. Devonshire Ave, Phoenix, AZ 85014
Contact: Karen Borg
Phone/Fax: (602) 277-3497
Email: info@chsrc.org
Offering a new and used curriculum bookstore, classes (math, science lab, art, foreign language), testing, support services, meetings and workshops. Free monthly e-letter and website information. Read more...

Crossroads Edit Remove More
Serving Graham County, AZ
Contact: Jody Mezzell
Phone: (928) 348-9045
Email: mezzellfamily@hotmail.com
Crossroads is a Christian homeschool group. We offer encouragement for homeschooling families, information for those interested in homeschooling including how to get started, weekly park days, field trips, an annual spelling bee, science fair and a used curriculum sale.

Desert Hills Christian Homeschoolers Edit Remove More
Serving the Far North Valley / Desert Foothills
Contact: Rich & Teri Olsen
Email: dhch@dhch.org
Established in 1986, DHCH is one of the oldest homeschool support groups in Arizona. Members come from New River, Desert Hills, Cave Creek, Black Canyon City, Anthem, Tramonto, and surrounding areas. Benefits include a homeschool lending library, resource packets, e-mail group, newsletter and event calendar.

East Valley Christian Home Educators Edit Remove
P.O. Box 3463, Gilbert, AZ 85299-3463
Contact: Peter or Allison Gentala
Email: pres@evche.org
EVCHE is a Christian homeschool support group / co-op in the East Valley of Phoenix, AZ. Read more...

East Valley Homeschool Families Edit Remove More
Mesa, Gilbert, Chandler, Tempe, Queen Creek
Contact: Maggie Christin
Phone: 337 313 0139
Many events each week! Inclusive, all are welcome! Come hang!

Eastside Explorers Edit Remove More
Based in Scottsdale, AZ
Contact: Kimberlee Herman
Phone: 480-720-7765
Email: kimberlee.herman@gmail.com
For over 20 years, Eastside Explorers has supported homeschooling families in the northeast region of the Phoenix, AZ metro area (check our website to make sure you live within our boundaries). Co-op membership brings opportunities for networking with other home schooling parents, activities for moms and children, and educational opportunities for all within a Christian framework. Events include park days, spelling bee, art fair, field trips, science fair, mom's nights and more! Professionally-published yearbook. $35 annual fee includes insurance at all events. Additional fees required for art classes, yearbook, and some field trips. We look forward to meeting you!

Estrella Mountain Homeschoolers Edit Remove More
Goodyear, Litchfield Park, Buckeye, Avondale, and Rainbow Valley
Contact: Kirstin Conlon
Phone: (623) 322-9779
Email: kirstininarizona@yahoo.com
A casual homeschool group sharing ideas, information, encouragement, and experiences. We have many activities including park days, holiday parties, talent shows, Christmas programs, grade promotion ceremonies, and field trips planned by anyone with an interest.

Please note: Open registration is from August- May. We have a yearly membership fee of $25/family due August 1st of each new school year. For new members, we have a 60-day money back guarantee. Try us out for 60 days to see if we're a good fit for you and your family. If we are... great! If not, a full refund will be issued, no questions asked. Yahoo groups site: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/EstrellaMtnHomeschoolers/

EVAC - East Valley Athletes for Christ Edit Remove
Phoenix, Chandler, Gilbert, Scottsdale and Mesa
Email: admin@evacsports.org
EVAC competes in the Canyon Athletic Association, a competitive league for charter Junior High and High Schools (and two homeschool organizations – EVAC in the east valley and AZ Heat in the west valley). We have had students on the Junior High teams as young as sixth grade. The student must be homeschooled with at least 51% of their education directed by a parent. Read more...

Fountain Hills Christian Home Educators Edit Remove
Fountain Hills, AZ
Contact: Melissa Atwood
Email: melissa_atwood@hotmail.com
FHCHE is a homeschool support group which has been actively supporting homeschooling families since 1992. We have a $25 annual membership enrollment fee. Read more...

Grace Homeschool Cooperative Edit Remove More
300 South 4th Avenue, Yuma, AZ 85364
Contact: Gerald Andre
Phone: (928) 783-0133
Email: info@gracebiblehomeschool.com
It is the purpose of the cooperative to assist homeschool parents in meeting their God-given responsibilities of training by giving them an environment in which their children can achieve their highest potential, spiritually, mentally, academically, emotionally, and physically.

Happy Hearts Homeschoolers Support Group of the East Valley Edit Remove
Chandler, Ahwatukee, Mesa, Tempe, surrounding areas
Email: happyheartshomeschoolers@mail.com
A parent-led, open-minded homeschool support group erving families in the East Valley. We offer opportunities for socializing, group outings, field trips, and extracurricular enrichment activities that will add fun and friendship to you and your children's lives. We welcome all types of homeschooling families. Read more...

Havasu Christian Home Educators Edit Remove More
Lake Havasu City and surrounding area
Contact: Pat Zeman
Phone: (928) 208-6297
Email: Form / Contact Page
We offer support in the forms of information, encouragement, guidelines, resources and most importantly, prayer and Christian fellowship. We hold a meeting monthly and have numerous field trips and activities throughout the year. We also offer many opportunities for homeschool families including P.E. Classes and graduation ceremonies for 6th and 8th grades, and highschool.

Homeschoolers 4 Him Edit Remove More
West Phoenix Metro area cities of Avondale, Buckeye, Goodyear, Litchfield Park, Surprise, Tonopah, El Mirage, and anywhere else you are willing to drive from.
Email: Form / Contact Page
Christian homeschooling full support community group with weekly park days in the Goodyear/Litchfield Park area. We also organize field trips, family events, resource support, co-op classes, and more.

Hualapai Hills Home Schoolers Edit Remove
4868 Steinke Drive, Kingman, AZ 86409
Contact: Mary Brown
Phone: (928) 692-6249
Email: clarkdbrown@hotmail.com
A Christian-based group in Mohave County. We provide educational resources, monthly meetings, field trips, workshops, service projects, educational group activities, a lending library, and a website. Members participate by holding an office or planning an activity (i.e. literary club, chess club, Lego league, service club, field trips, sports club, spelling bee, geography bee, science fair, playgroup, science workshops) Read more...

Indigo Home Learners Edit Remove More
Serving Phoenix, Glendale, Peoria and surrounding cities
Email: indigohomelearners2014@gmail.com
A homeschool support group united by the desire to provide a positive and open-minded homeschooling community for our children.

Knowledge House Scholars Edit Remove More
Serving the Far North Valley / Desert Foothills
Contact: Teri Olsen
Email: info@knowledgehouse.info
Epsilon Delta Chapter of Eta Sigma Alpha National Home School Honor Society. Open to students in grades 6-12 who score 90% or above on a nationally referenced standardized test. Meeting every second Friday of the month in New River, AZ. Members participate in: Community Service and Volunteer Projects; College & Career Preparation; Civic Participation; Public Speaking; Leadership; President's Volunteer Service Award; National Society of High School Scholars.

L.I.F.E. Adventures Edit Remove More
Contact: Katie Petersen
Phone: (480) 277-2177
Email: lifeadventuresaz@gmail.com
L.I.F.E. Adventures {learning in a family environment} is a homeschool support group that seeks to promote Christian home education by sharing resources, information, and ideas, as well as providing opportunities for fellowship through educational and social experiences such as park days, field trips, and moms' nights out. Everyone is welcome to join, regardless of religious affiliation. Annual dues are $10.

Maricopa Christian Homeschool Support Group Edit Remove More
Maricopa, Arizona
Contact: Brandy Taylor
Phone: 530-409-5862
Email: tobymac1998@yahoo.com
MCHSG is a Christian homeschool support groups for families in accordance with A.R.S. 15-802.
We offer monthly field trips, park days, member leds classes, and mom's night out. We have an annual fee of $10. We desire to encourage and support parents in their descion to homeschool their children while also raising them in their Christian faith.

MoezArt Productions, Inc. Edit Remove
18411 N. 16th Way, Phoenix, AZ 85022
Contact: Steve Rodriguez or Sharon Rodriguez
Phone: (480) 201-4637 or (480) 272-0705
Fax: (602) 606-2891
Email: moezartpr@hotmail.com
We are a Christian, nondenominational, nonprofit educational theatre arts company that offers many classes in theatre. We hold middle and high school classes in Phoenix, Glendale, Surprise, Scottsdale and Chandler. Each of these classes perform shows at the end of the semesters. We also offer grade school classes and community theatre in select areas. Read more...

Northeastern Arizona Homeschoolers Edit Remove More
PO Box 160 Show Low, AZ 85902
Contact: Lisa Horne
Phone: (480) 382-4225
Fax: (855) 495-3081
Email: nazhomeschoolers@hotmail.com
Northeastern Arizona Homeschoolers are families working together to bring support, resources and opportunity to home education in the White Mountains and surrounding areas including Show Low, Pinetop, Lakeside, Snowflake, St. Johns, Eager, and Springerville. We offer free membership, are Christian based, and activities include: chess and checkers club; park days; bowling; field trips; holiday parties; spelling bee; and science & engineering fair.

Northern Arizona Homeschoolers Edit Remove
Contact: Lorien or lorienvanness@gmail.com
Email: lorienvanness@gmail.com
This is a group for home schoolers in Northern AZ. Home schoolers of any and all ages, genders, and religious affiliations (or not) are welcome to be members of the group and post home school events on our FB page. Read more...

Northwest Tucson Homeschoolers (NTH) Edit Remove
Northwest Tucson, Oro Valley, Marana
Contact: Michele Dial
Phone: (520) 260-3043
Email: michele@northwesttucsonhomeschoolers.com
NTH is an independent, inclusive support group. We serve to foster community among home educators and their children in Tucson. Activities include a year-round, weekly park day; field trips; and cooperative learning opportunities. Read more...

Odyssey of the Mind - Homeschool Edit Remove
Mesa Chandler Scottsdale Tempe
Contact: Brian Calaway or Lorna Calaway
Phone: (602) 488-0879 or (480) 218-9251
Email: ootmafterschool@gmail.com
Odyssey of the Mind is the quintessential STEAM program where teams of students solve long-term challenges that require the use of science, engineering, technology and math. Those teams present their solutions in the form of an 8 minute play to the judges at a regional tournament. The entire solution should be as creative as possible to "wow!" the judges. It teaches 21st Century Work Skills, and it follows the Common Core Curriculum Standards. Read more...

Prescott Homeschool Group Edit Remove
730 W. Hoover St. Prescott, AZ 86303
Contact: Heather Lowrance
Phone: (970) 270-2552
Email: prescotthomeschoolgroup@yahoo.com
We are the premiere homeschool group for parents and children in the Prescott and Prescott Valley areas of Arizona. We offer a wide variety of activities and support for homeschool families with children of all ages. Read more...

Rainbow Explorers Edit Remove More
7549 W. Cactus Road #104-340, Peoria, AZ 85381
Contact: Courtney Walton
Phone: (623) 205-9883
Email: scwalton@cox.net
A Christian homeschool support group serving African-American families in the greater Phoenix area.

Sacred Heart Home Educators Edit Remove More
Valleywide Phoenix, AZ
Contact: Dionne McCartney
Email: president@shhe.org
Valleywide Catholic group with field trips, Opening Mass and Potluck, All Saints Day Party, picnics, PE, activities, Park Day, and more. 150+ families; $25 membership fee.

Shoot Right Edit Remove More
Contact: Rob Potter
Phone: (602) 288-5324
Email: info@shootrightaz.org
A 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization educating children 8-18 and adults with regard to teaching safety techniques that focus on gun safety, basic rifle airgun, youth airgun shooting leagues, shooting tournaments, and shooting summer camps.

Southeast Tucson Catholic Home Schoolers Edit Remove More
East Tucson
Contact: Terry Segapeli
Phone: 520-488-5708
Email: tsegapeli@gmail.com
We are a small Catholic homeschooling group that meet every Wednesday on the East side of Tucson. We meet at a Park in the afternoon. The older kids organize games and sports and the mom's talk. We have a faith sharing group, field trips, volunteer opportunities, and a ballet folklorico group that is led by the older girls. We also have a mass for homeschoolers once a month at Our Mother of Sorrows Catholic Church. We are constantly adding new opportunities for our group. There is a $10 annual fee to maintain our website.

Southwest Tucson Homeschoolers Edit Remove More
Geographic area included, but not limited to, South Tucson, Valencia West, Sahuarita, Three Points
Contact: Sarah Turner or Heather Stoppelbein
Phone: 602-751-5077 or 520-561-6272
Email: swtucsonhomeschoolers@yahoo.com
The goal of SWTH is to encourage, support, and be a resource for all parents who have taken on this amazing, challenging, gratifying, and sometimes overwhelming journey called homeschooling! We host weekly park days during cooler months, monthly field trips, and monthly support meetings discussing a variety of relevant topics. Our group is eclectic, diverse, and growing!

Surprise Basketball Academy Edit Remove More
16066 N Parkview Pl, Surprise, AZ 85374
Email: info@surprsiebb.com
Surprise Basketball Academy is a club located in surprise, Arizonan. We offer classes as well during the evening in the surprise, area.

Valley of the Sun Homeschool Cooperative Edit Remove More
Phoenix, Tempe, Mesa, Glendale, Scottsdale
Contact: Julie Mallinger
Phone: (602) 595-9870
Email: valleyhomeschoolcoop@gmail.com
The Valley of the Sun Homeschool Cooperative is a secular, inclusive group of homeschooling families who come together for the purpose of enriching our children’s educations. Our parent-teachers lead classes that are based on their skills, interests, and backgrounds, providing our children with unique opportunities for learning and growth. Fundamental to our beliefs is the notion that our homeschooling community benefits from, and is enriched by, the diversity of our membership, and we seek to create a welcoming atmosphere for all who wish to attend.

West Side Home Educators Edit Remove More
8622 W. Purdue Ave, Peoria, AZ 85345
Email: wshe-owner@yahoogroups.com
Supporting families in Peoria, Glendale, North Phoenix, Surprise, and other West Valley communities.

West Valley Christian Home Educators Edit Remove More
Serving the Southwest Valley cities of Avondale, Goodyear, Litchfield Park, Buckeye, and Tonopah.
Email: wvchristianhomeschoolers@gmail.com
We are a group of homeschooling families who meet together weekly to support each other in all areas of homeschooling. Our membership consists of a wide range of homeschooling experience, from veteran homeschoolers who have successfully homeschooled, to college, to families who are just beginning the homeschool process.

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