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Puerto Rico Homeschool Groups

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homeschool support groups in PR
Asociación de Hogares-Escuelas Cristianas (AHEC) de Puerto Rico Edit Remove More
Parque del Avión en Dorado, PR ORIENTACIONES Grupos de Apoyo en varios municipios alrededor de Puerto Rico
Contact: Aleyda Vélez or Leslie Raices
Phone: (787) 403-2913 or (787) 316-3889
Email: ahecinforma@gmail.com
AHEC provee reuniones generales con el propósito de dar la bienvenida a nuevos padres educadores y brindarles orientacion sobre educacion en el hogar. Nuestras actividades como grupo incluyen, pero no estan limitadas a: Feria científica, Día de logros, baile de graduación, día de juegos, giras educativas. Nos reunimos el primer viernes de mes, excepto junio y julio desde la 1:00 p.m.

(translation) AHEC provides general meetings to welcome new homeschooling parents and to provide them information about homeschooling. Activities include, but are not limited to, the following: a scientific fair, a day of profits, a graduation dance, a games day, and educational tours. We meet the first Friday of every month except June and July at 1:00 p.m.

Asociacion Aprendizaje de Familias Homeschoolers Edit Remove
Dorado, Puerto Rico 00646
Contact: Nixa Viera
Phone: (787) 637-0134
Fax: (787) 278-3673
Email: nixa_viera2003@yahoo.com
Este grupo de familias Homeschoolers se reunirá el ultimo viernes del mes para tratar temas sobre aprendizaje y enseñanza dentro de un marco de respeto y valores familiares cristianos. Membresía es libre de costo. Se planificarán actividades como giras, ir a obras de teatros, charlas educativas, museos y más. Celebramos graduaciones a fin de año y auspiciamos una Unidad de Boy Scouts incluyendo Manada, Tropa y Crew (niños y niñas de 13 a 21 años de edad).

This group of homeschooling families will meet the last Friday of each month to discuss issues about learning and teaching within a framework of respect and Christian family values. Membership is free of charge. Activities such as tours, theater groups, educational lectures, museums and more will planned. Graduations will be celebrated at the end of the year. Also we sponsor a Boy Scouts of America Unit (925) consisting of Cub Scouts, Troop and Crew (for girls and boys 13 to 21 years of age). Read more...

Bilingual Homeshooler Puerto Rico Edit Remove More
PO Box 360945, San Juan, PR 00936
Contact: Frances Torres
Phone: (443) 791-2634
Email: happydays1986@hotmail.com
We are a group of homeschooling families who believe that learning opportunities abound in every aspect of our life: from our home, to our community, to the world! Based in Puerto Rico, we love discovering different spots in this enchanted island and eagerly learning both Spanish and English!

We are a resource for homeschooling information, techniques, books and sites. Most importantly, we are a support network for both new and currently homeschooling families in Puerto Rico who value education in both English and Spanish. Join us as we learn, discover and explore together! ¡Vamos!

CasaEscuela Puerto Rico Edit Remove More
Puerto Rico
Contact: Rocio López
Phone: (939) 274-1629
Email: admin@casaescuela.org, rocio@casaescuela.org
We are a homeschooling organization and support group that serves the whole island community of Puerto Rico. Our group usually meets weekly for field trips, clubs, workshops, science labs and other activities. Read more...

Happy Kids Homeschool Edit Remove
RR 03 Box 10964, Toa Alta, PR
Contact: Wanda Rivera
Phone: (787) 702-9176
Email: happykidshs@gmail.com
We are the largest homeschool group on the island with about 300 children. Our members exist on the "outernet" not just internet. Community group that has appeared in comic books, TV stars, and recognized by educational distribution companies. Read more...

MelNix E-Z-2 Learn Homeschool Edit Remove
Dorado, PR P.O. Box 358, Arecibo, P.R. 00613
Contact: Nixa Viera-Martínez or Melvin Ruiz-Miranda
Phone: (787) 637-0134
Fax: (787) 278-3673
Email: nixaviera@melnixhomeschool.com, http://www.melnixhomeschool.com/page5.html
Nuestra pagina está dirigida para ayudar a familias interesadas en la educación en el hogar, como iniciarse, currículos, recursos educativos y sociales. Mantenemos un vínculo con varias organizaciones parra proveer una educación rica en experiencias. Publicamos varios artículos sobre la educación, estilos de aprendizaje, neurociencia del aprendizaje y otros.

Our page is directed towards helping families interested in homeschooling, by providing or referencing places to procure beginning educational and social curricula, and other homeschooling resources. We maintain a bond with several organizations to provide a rich educational experience. We publish several articles on teaching, styles of learning, the neurosciences of learning, and other related topics. Read more...

Montessori en el hogar Edit Remove More
Dorado, PR
Contact: Jeannette Pagán
Phone: (787) 225-8950
Email: paganjeannette@yahoo.com
Es un grupo creado para el intercambio de ideas, materiales y actividades dirigidas para los niños educados en el hogar siguiendo el Método Montessori. El grupo es exclusivo para los que siguen el Método Montessori, participen y sean miembros activos del grupo de apoyo.

The Caribbean Center of Home Education Resources (T'CHERs) Edit Remove
279 Estancias de Imbery, Barceloneta, PR 00617
Contact: Mayté Perelló
Email: tchers2001@yahoo.com, contact@tchers.net
T'CHERs, the only state level homeschooling org. in PR, is completely bilingual and provides support and opportunities to get together to homeschoolers and various local support groups in PR and the USVI.

T'CHERs, la unica org. de ed. en el hogar in PR, es completamente bilingue y provee apoyo y oportunidades a reunir a educadores del hogar y varios grupos de apoyo en PR y USVI. Read more...

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