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Michigan Homeschool Groups

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homeschool support groups in MI
Michigan Christian Homeschool Network (MICHN, formerly INCH) Edit Remove More
6011 W. Saint Joseph St, Suite 401, Lansing, MI 48917
Contact: MICHN Office
Phone: (517) 481-5994
Email: kim@inch.org
Serving Michigan's homeschooling families since 1984. The mission of MICHN (pronounced 'mish-un') is to provide information, instruction, and inspiration for Michigan’s home educators. Our vision is For the state of Michigan to be a place where Christian families have freedom to pass on their faith in Jesus Christ through Biblically-centered, parent-directed, home-based, privately-funded, life-long home discipleship.

Adventurers Homeschool Association Edit Remove More
1800 S. Huron, Ypsilanti, MI 48198
Contact: Shelly Czupinski
Phone: (734) 481-9111
Email: czupinski@cavtel.net
We are an interdenominational Christian homeschooling co-op which focuses on the needs of families with high schoolers and their siblings. We meet weekly in two semesters south of Ypsilanti on Thursday afternoon and evening, providing classes which focus on creativity, academics, interests and whatever goals the students and families would like to pursue together. Each family pays an annual registration fee and fees for the classes of their choice.

Capital Homeschool Athletic Program (CHAP) Edit Remove More
P.O. Box 4547, East Lansing, MI 48826
Contact: David Lambright
Phone: (517) 336-7632
Email: go@chapchariots.org
Offering sports for homeschooled boys and girls ages 8 - 18 in the Mid-Michigan area.

Catholic Home Educators of Rockwood (and surrounding areas) Edit Remove More
Based in Monroe County
Contact: Rosea Lee Grima or Ashley Langton
Phone: (734) 497-3492 or (517) 403-4337
Email: rockwoodcatholiceducators@gmail.com
Catholic Home Educators of Rockwood is a Roman Catholic co-op based out St. Mary of the Annunciation parish in Rockwood, Michigan. We invite all homeschool families in Rockwood and surrounding areas looking for fellowship, learning opportunities, and fun, to come experience our co-op within the rich traditions of our Roman Catholic faith. Catholic Home Educators of Rockwood meet on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of every month, throughout the school year. In addition to the Thursday meetups, we also gather for field trips, family potlucks and other social gatherings.

Christ Centered Homeschool Educators Edit Remove More
Based in Branch County
Contact: Ginny Shelton or Mary Beth Schelinski
Phone: (517) 279-2261 or (517) 238-9498
Email: mbbski@msn.com
We offer monthly field trips, monthly pot lucks for the whole family, co-op classes, lending library, newletter, seminars.

Christian Home Educators of Midland Ministry, Inc. (CHEMinistry) Edit Remove More
Midland, MI 48642
Email: info@cheministry.org
We are a Midland-based, Christian, nonprofit homeschool support group that serves families in Mid-Michigan.

Christian Home Educators of the Blue Water Area (CHEBWA) Edit Remove More
St. Clair County; Meets in Kimball Twp, MI
Contact: Diana Ward
Phone: (810) 689-9317
Email: bluewaterhomeschool@gmail.com
We are a Christian, homeschool support group that seeks to meet the various needs of local homeschool families. We do this primarily through monthly support group meetings, field trips & educational activities, Mom's Night Out & family event, our website, and facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/CHEBWA/

Christian Home Educators Support System (CHESS) Edit Remove More
1012 Powderhorn Dr, Lansing, MI 48917
Phone: (517) 913-6312
Email: Form / Contact Page
We are a Lansing based homeschool co-op that reaches out to serve all mid-Michgan homeschoolers. Our vision is to inspire and affirm parents who are called to train up their children in the Lord's ways through homeschooling.

Christian Homeschoolers of Northern Michigan (CHNM) Edit Remove More
8155 Whitetail, Wolverine, MI 49799
Contact: Ralph Dubey
Phone: (231) 525-9259
Email: info@chnmonline.org
We are based in Gaylord and meet for classes on Wednesdays for 5 hours. We offer pre-K through 12th grade. We also provide the opportunity to participate on archery and cross country teams. More information can be found on our website.

Delta County Home School Educators (DCHSE) Edit Remove More
PO Box 216, Escanaba, MI 49829
Phone: (678) 868-5355
Email: info@dchse.org
Homeschooling support for families in Escanaba, Gladstone, and surrounding areas. Member benefits include monthly newsletters, e-mail updates, field trips, and monthly programs.

Diverse Homeschool of Genesee County Edit Remove
Genesee County, MI (residents of neighboring counties welcome)
Contact: Alicia
Phone: (810) 347-5455
Email: zandes13@yahoo.com
We're new this year and all getting to know each other, so don't be a stranger! There are creative field trips, hands-on science and art, speakers, community activities, and purely social events. There is sometimes a minor cost for events, but no cost at this time for group membership. This is a truly inclusive group. Read more...

Enrich Edit Remove More
Detroit metro area
Contact: Alice Johnson
Email: alicejohnson59@gmail.com
We are a Christian homeschooling enrichment program meeting in the Metro Detroit Area. We have families coming from Wayne, Oakland, and Macomb counties. We offer classes for the K-12 grade home school family. Our classes are taught by the parents and we strive to keep our costs low.

Enrichment Hub Edit Remove
1825 East Square Lake Rd, Troy, MI, 48085
Contact: Tricia Ouellette or Amy Lapain
Phone: (248) 835-4203 or (248) 645-8035
Email: tupperwaretricia@aol.com, amlapain.amy@sbcglobal.net
A center of educational and artistic activities to support homeschool families in all ages of education, Enrichment Hub is open to learn, teach, volunteer, create, and grow together in Christ's Honor. We host monthly support groups for moms, the 2nd Monday and the 4th Tuesday of each month, separate locations. Read more...

Explorers Home School Association Edit Remove More
2950 Burtch Road Grass Lake, MI 49240
Contact: Amy Parrish
Email: explorersceo@gmail.com
We are a Christian, parent-run homeschool co-op for grades K - 12 that meets in Ann Arbor. We provide quality academic and enrichment classes for all grade levels including the academic 4x4 for high school, foreign language, as well as many music, drama, and creative art classes.

FAITH Homeschool (Faithfully Assisting In Teaching Homeschoolers) Edit Remove More
Lapeer, MI 48446
Contact: Deanna
Phone: (810) 664-7785 or (810) 625-2109
Email: deanna@faithhomeschool.net
We are a Biblically based homeschool group offering classes, activities, field trips, commencement & sports to homeschool families in the Lapeer & surrounding areas.

FAITH Homeschoolers of Macomb Edit Remove More
Serving Macomb County, Michigan
Contact: Laura
Email: faithhs@gmail.com
This group is to help connect Bible-focused, believing homeschooling families in Macomb County Michigan. We are a member-led group group offering planned and informal playdates, educational events, field trips, local events, support and more!

Faith Hometeam Edit Remove More
3411 Airport Rd., Waterford, MI 48329
Contact: Lora Saul
Phone: (248) 535-4345
Email: saulfam3@yahoo.com
We are a homeschool group that meets every other Thursday from 12:00-3:30 p.m. We offer classes to enhance your homeschooling and not to replace your classes. We offer classes from nursery to 12th grade. Please visit our website for more info. We also have a facebook page under Faith Hometeam.

Families In Support of Homeschooling (FISH) Homeschool Group Edit Remove More
Belleville, MI
Email: fishomeschooling@gmail.com
We are a homeschooling support group that meets weekly in Belleville, MI on Tuesdays from 10 am to Noon. We have an hour gym time with our instructor. Then we have an hour of classroom time which can include snack, creative projects, crafts and games. We also have monthly field trips and special guests. We welcome anyone to visit throughout the year. We ask that you notify us in advance so that we know to expect you.

GUIDE Homeschool Group Edit Remove
Meeting in Northern Lapeer County, members from Brown City, Marlette, Silverwood, Mayville, Fostoria, Lapeer, and Attica
Contact: Tammy Smith
Phone: (810) 625-8255
Email: smilibby@gmail.com
A volunteer-run group of home educators offering fun and educational classes, field trips, and support for each other. Read more...

HEORC Home Educators of Roscommon County Edit Remove More
Roscommon County, Michigan and surrounding areas.
Contact: Angie Benincasa
Phone: (810) 441-2359
Email: roscommoncohomeschool@gmail.com
Our Christian group offers support to Roscommon County Michigan and the surrounding areas. We plan play dates, park days, swim and/or gym days, and moms' night out events, and we support one another in our call to homeschool our children. Our suggested annual fee is available on our web site.

Heritage Co-op Edit Remove More
South Lyon, Michigan (reaching Oakland, Washtenaw and Livingston counties)
Email: heritagehomeeducators@gmail.com
A parent-run Christian co-op serving homeschoolers in need of support from other homeschooling families. We provide quality academic and enrichment classes for all ages with a focus on growing and establishing our Middle/High School program. Most classes are taught by parents in their areas of education and experience, which keeps the cost of classes very minimal for required materials, with a few classes taught by professional instructors.

Home Educator's Music Association (HEMA) Edit Remove More
Meets in Wayne, serves all Downriver, Detroit, and the suburbs!
Contact: Dawn Buchbinder
Phone: (734) 775-4846
Email: hemaband@yahoo.com
HEMA has been in existence for over 10 years and provides multi-level music education from professional music educators. We service K-12th grade, from beginners to advanced, providing group instruction for all band instruments (including Recorder Class for the youngsters). We meet every Friday during the school year, and also have a "Band Camp" each summer. We provide two free concerts for our students to perform in, one at Christmas, one at Easter.

Home School Building Edit Remove More
5625 Burlingame Ave. SW, Wyoming MI 49509
Phone: (616) 532-9422
Fax: (616) 532-6274
Email: office@homeschoolbuilding.org
The Home School Building facility, including 14 classrooms, gymnasium, resource center/library, lounge, and offices, currently serves as host to some 1000+ students each week through supplemental classes offered by a number of independent home education associations in West Michigan.

Home School Connection (HSC) Edit Remove
1825 East Joy Road, Ann Arbor, MI 48105
Phone: (734) 649-6649
Email: info@washtenawhsc.org
HSC is a local co-op serving homeschool families more than an hour away from Ann Arbor in every direction! Although HSC serves students of all ages, we particularly focus on the needs of high school and middle school, with challenging classes, a predictable sequence of study, and student activities like Honor Society, Student Council, and many fine arts and enrichment activities, including a strong thespian guild. Our application period (which requires that you attend an open house) starts February 1st and closes in mid-March. Read more...

Home School Music Association (HSMA) Edit Remove More
P.O. Box 171, St. Johns, MI 48879
Contact: Amy Dalla Vecchia or Paul Case
Phone: (517) 420-5643 or (989) 493-9558
Email: contact@homeschoolmusic.net
A non-profit organization dedicated to meeting the music education needs of Christian home-schooled students. We currently have Band, Choral and Orchestra programs in the greater Lansing, Michigan area.

Homefront EUP Edit Remove
Serving people in the Eastern Upper Penninsula, with members from St. Ignace to Sault Saint Marie.
Email: homefronteupmi@yahoo.com
Homefront is a Christian group that supports homeschooling in the EUP in a variety of ways. We have a monthly newsletter where we publish a calendar of events, member articles, curriculum reviews, and many other items of interest. We run a weekly homeschool gym program with activities for ages 2-18. We have a monthly Mom's Night Out. Members organize various field trips and activities throughout the year. Membership costs $10 per year. Read more...

Homes Organized for Meaningful Education (HOME) of Flint, Michigan Edit Remove More
Based in Genesee County
Contact: Sarah Edwards or Mackenzie Kent
Phone: (810) 923-8801 or (810) 922-8467
We are a christian homeschool group serving the Greater Flint, Michigan area. We offer a bi-weekly co-op, monthly field trips, swim & gym classes, talent night, field day, History/Art/Lego fair, monthly newsletters and more.

Homeschool HUB Edit Remove More
P.O. Box 286, Niles, MI 49120
Contact: Andrea Bikfalvy
Phone: (269) 240-6094 or (269) 370-4589
Email: hub@hshub.org
A non-profit educational organization created to serve the needs of Michiana's homeschool community. Our purpose is to function as a central "hub" for collecting and sharing information pertinent to education at home.

Homeschoolers of Ann Arbor (HAA) Edit Remove
423 S. Fourth Ave., Ann Arbor, MI 48104
Contact: Misty Zaugg
Email: haa_board@gmail.com
A large, multi-age, eclectic, secular homeschool group. Meets weekly in Ann Arbor, offers classes, open socialization, games, 4H-affiliated club. Small membership fee covers meeting space with rec room, gym, etc. Read more...

Homeschoolers of Washtenaw Edit Remove More
Washtenaw County
Contact: Stacy Louis
Email: homeschool@saltygirl.com
Homeschoolers of Washtenaw (HOW) is an all inclusive group for homeschooling and unschooling families in the Michigan county of Washtenaw and surrounding areas.

Hometeam II Edit Remove
8071 South State Rd., Goodrich, MI 48438
Contact: Rene Szatkowski
Phone: (810) 606-0507
Email: hometeam2leadership@gmail.com
We are a Christian homeschool co-op and nonprofit. We meet every other Tuesday of the Month with a fall and winter session. Fall session is September-December, winter January-May. We meet from 9-12:15, with 4 different class periods. Each class period typically has 2-3 different options based on a child's age. We have classes for K-12; fees are $45 per semester per child. Read more...

Hope, Encouragement And Resources Targeting Homeschoolers (HEARTH) Support Group and Co-op Edit Remove More
Genesee County
Contact: Kimberly Honnen
Email: kim.hearthhomeschool@gmail.com
A Christian group offering support, field trips and co-op classes to homeschoolers in Genesee County and surrounding areas. Our support group is free to join, but the co-op has fees associated with it. Co-op classes are on alternating Mondays from 9:30am-2:30pm, Sept through early April.

Hope, Enrichment, And Resources Targeting Homeschoolers (HEARTH) Edit Remove
Genesee County and surrounding areas
Contact: Jamie Hershberger or Kim Honnen
Phone: (810) 471-2044
Email: jamie.hearthhomeschool@gmail.com, kim.hearthhomeschool@gmail.com
We are offer a Christian co-op and an email support group for homeschooling families. Our co-op meets on every other Monday. You may join our Yahoo group free for support and encouragement. There is an annual family membership fee to be a part of the co-op. Read more...

Howell Athletic Association of Christian Homeschoolers Edit Remove More
P.O. Box 1328, Brighton, MI 48116
Contact: John Firestone
Phone: (517) 546-0941
Email: abjobst@ameritech.net
Homeschool athletics in various sports - volleyball, basketball, soccer, baseball - see website for teams levels offered.

Jackson Area Home Educators (JAHE) Edit Remove More
P.O. Box 6380, Jackson, MI 49204
Phone: (517) 783-9378
Email: info@jahe.info
JAHE is a 501C-3 support group ministry. Membership to JAHE is $35.00 per year, and provides families access to weekly e-announcements, quarterly newsletter, couples and parent meetings and student family activities, picnics, field trips, sports programs, band, and a variety of co-ops and learning groups that members can join for an additional fee.

Jackson Catholic Home Educators Edit Remove More
Jackson, MI
Contact: Cheryl
Phone: (517) 784-2645
Email: bassettfamily5@sbcglobal.net
We are a Roman Catholic group of homeschoolers in the Jackson and surrounding areas with over 50 families.

Kalamazoo Area Home School Association, Inc. Edit Remove More
P.O. Box 2214, Portage, MI 49081-2214
Phone: (269) 345-4663
Email: kahsamail@kahsaconnection.com
KAHSA offers a monthly newsletter full of resources and information for the homeschool family. We also have activities, support groups, and more. Our website calendar coordinates homeschool activities across southwest Michigan.

Kalamazoo Home Educators Are Resourceful Teachers (HEART) Edit Remove
Kalamazoo, Calhoun and VanBuren Counties
Contact: Vicki Girard
Email: kalamazooheart@gmail.com
Kalamazoo HEART (Home Educators Are Resourceful Teachers) is a Christian homeschool group that offers family field trips, mom’s coffee time, mom’s nights out, a co-op and a mom support group. We have sister groups in Battle Creek and South Haven. Read more...

Kalamazoo The Learning Community (TLC) Edit Remove
Kalamazoo, Michigan
Contact: Cindy Grimmer
Phone: (269) 384-2198
Email: tlckalamazoo@gmail.com
TLC ministers to Kalamazoo homeschool families via a wide variety of programs designed to provide academic, spiritual, social and financial support. These opportunities take place in a community that embraces Christian principles. Although some of our programs are free or provide finances to our families, low fees may be charged by TLC in some instances to cover expenses. Read more...

Kids In Touch (KIT) Edit Remove More
Serving the downriver Michigan area
Contact: Cate
Phone: (734) 676-4164
Email: kithomeschool@sbcglobal.net
Monthly parent support meetings, weekly field trips, family picnics, library activities, and more!

Lake Michigan Home School Connection, Inc. Edit Remove More
P.O. Box 4413, Muskegon, MI 49444
Contact: Karin
Phone: (231) 268-0210
Email: info@lmhsc.org
We are a distinctly Christian group that is open to anyone who will respect that distinction. We offer a support group, a weekly "co-op" of academic and extra-curricular classes, field trips, play dates, and more.

Lenawee Involved In Family Education (LIFE) Edit Remove
P.O. Box 1034, Adrian, MI 49221
Contact: Karen Saxton
Phone: (517) 486-2062
Email: administrator@lifechristianhomeschoolers.com
LIFE is a Christian Homeschool group operating in Lenawee County. Our mission is to work with our families to help them homeschool effectively, efficiently and with confidence!Our support goes beyond just the students and programs. We are an extended family community. With Christian love as the cornerstone of our program, we work to forge strong supportive family relationships with our members. Read more...

Lives Inspired by Godly Home Teaching (LIGHT) Edit Remove
Serving primarily Livingston County
Contact: Joy
Phone: (248) 821-0911
Email: lightnews4u@yahoo.com
We are a Christian homeschooling support group. We hold a free monthly Moms Breakfast in Brighton, open to any homeschooling (or considering) moms. Some of our member-exclusive events are weekly family sports nights (soccer, basketball, etc.), monthly rollerskating, ice skating, Book Club, and various other activites and field trips. We also host an annual Family Picnic in the fall, sponsor LIGHT Ballet, and provide a monthly newsletter. Membership is $15 yr. Read more...

Macomb Co. Christian Homeschoolers (MCCH) Edit Remove More
Serving Macomb County Michigan and surrounding areas!
Contact: Shelly M.
Email: bmabe4@wowway.com
We are a FUN group of Christian homeschooling parents and children who have Wednesday Park Days, a monthly Teen Night (ages 11 and up), monthly Parent's Night Out, Mom's Night Out and also share information and chat.

Metro Homeschool Connections Edit Remove More
25211 Chapelweigh Drive Farmington Hills, MI 48336
Contact: Lori White
Email: loriestelle@yahoo.com
The Metro Homeschool Connections group is committed to connecting area homeschoolers. Our goal is to provide a welcoming forum where families that are currently homeschooling school-aged children (grades late elementary to high school age) can build relationships. We also strive to keep members informed of the many local educational and social opportunities for homeschoolers in and around Oakland County.

Michigan African American Homeschool Association Edit Remove More
Serving the Southeast Michigan area
Contact: Yolanda C. Haynes
Phone/Fax: (248) 353-6282
Email: heart4home1@aol.com
The group will offer resources, monthly programs for children and families, outings, support group topics for discussion, homeschool email alerts, lesson suggestions, and online communication.

Michigan Catholic Home Educators Edit Remove More
P.O. Box 4534, Troy, MI 48099-4534
Phone/Fax: (248) 828-0135
Email: mchemails@gmail.com
Provides annual conference, quarterly newsletter, free resource & beginner's guide, commencement exercises, and directory of local Catholic support groups.

Michigan Saint Clair County Secular Homeschooling Co-Op Edit Remove
St Clair County, MI
Contact: Michael Mantas
Phone: (248) 506-7274
Email: michaelmantas@yahoo.com
We are a secular homeschooling co-op in St Clair County Michigan. We have a 3.5 hour day consisting of two 45-min sessions, a 30-min lunch and two more 45-min sessions. We offer a variety of topics to all age ranges, separated into ages birth-5, 6-12, and teens. Participation from everyone on some level is expected and is what makes this a co-operative. Read more...

Michigan Wayne County Homeschoolers Edit Remove More
Serving Livonia, Dearborn, Garden City, Westland, Canton, Wayne, and surrounding areas
Contact: Laurie Melavey
Email: rtheyallyours@yahoo.com
This is a secular / Inclusive homeschool group where your can come to find support, ask questions, and plan field trips throughout the year. Anyone homeschooling or thinking of homeschooling is welcome; we offer support regardless of religion, race, or educational method.

Micro Family Youth Soccer League Edit Remove More
Oxford, Michigan and surrounding areas
Contact: Jean Metzger
Phone: 810-678-3615
Email: jeanrmetzger@hotmail.com
We are a Christian based soccer league for homeschooled students. Our mission is to provide a recreational form of soccer for students ages 4 to 17. We stress safety, developing soccer skills, and good sportsmanship during our practices and games. We meet on Tuesday evenings and Saturday mornings for 6 weeks each in the spring and fall.

Mt Pleasant ARCH (Association of Roman Catholic Homeschoolers) Edit Remove More
Isabella, Clare, Gratiot counties covered primarily
Contact: Janelle Stewart or Barb Monahan
Phone: (989) 513-7406 or (989) 773-8126
Email: mtpleasantarch@gmail.com
We are a Catholic support group who participate in Children's Adoration, All Saints get-together, Blue Knights, monthly Catholic Mosaic, field trips and other activities.

National Homeschool Music Ensembles (NHME) Edit Remove More
909 Burt Street, Tecumseh, MI 3337 Ann Arbor-Saline Rd., Ann Arbor, MI
Contact: David Rennie
Phone: (734) 255-3663
Email: nhmeadmin@nhme.org
NHME offers homeschool students professional instruction in band, strings, and percussion. Our ensembles perform throughout the year and at various venues throughout the state. All ages welcome; no prior experience required.

Networking and Information Connection for Home Educators (NICHE) Edit Remove More
Based in Genesee County and surrounding counties
Contact: Kris Tate
Email: krst8@aol.com
An inclusive support group in the Flint area and surrounding counties. We provide field trips and educational activities for children and information and encouragement to parents. We require an annual fee to offset costs for parties and activities.

No Place Like Home Edit Remove More
Serving St. Joseph county
Email: nplhhs@gmail.com
St. Joseph county christian group with $25 annual fee. Monthly newsletter, mom's night out, field trip, and gym day. Weekly co-op. 25-50 families.

Oakland County Homeschoolers (OCHS) Edit Remove More
Based in Rochester Hills, MI 48307
Phone: (248) 601-9114
Email: OCHS-owner@yahoogroups.com
A secular, inclusive homeschooling group providing a place where people can learn about homeschooling, share their ideas, and meet others with common interests.

Oakland Homeschool Music, Inc. Edit Remove More
P.O. Box 300652, Waterford, MI 48330
Contact: C. Beard
Phone: (248) 760-7864
Email: info@ohmimusic.com
We are a non-profit organization providing a complete K - 12 music education program for homeschoolers. We offer Elementary Music Class, Band, Orchestra, Guitar Class, Young Strings and Choir for beginner to advanced levels. Our students attend MSVMA & MSBOA events, and consistently receive I (superior) and II (good) ratings. We have over 275 students involved at our two branches - Waterford & Troy.

Oratory of the Blessed Sacrament Edit Remove More
Based in the Downriver/Monroe area of the Archdiocese of Detroit, MI
Email: missy_blumberg@yahoo.com
A Catholic community of home-educators.

SE Michigan Well Trained Mind Edit Remove More
Centered in SE Michigan
Contact: Krista Schmidt
Phone: (989) 493-2555
Email: bun3kin@charter.net
We serve homeschooling parents in SE Michigan, providing online communication and connections with other Well Trained Mind/Classical families or those interested in implementing Well Trained Mind/Classical ideas. The group offers a forum for discussion of classical education as well as events in the SE Michigan area. All ages and faiths are welcome.

Seeds of Faith Homeschool Support (SOF) Edit Remove
P.O. Box 179, Dryden, MI 48428
Contact: Darlene Hamblin or Lisa Wagner
Phone: (810) 441-7920 or (810) 796-2768
Email: seedsfaith@gmail.com
A Christian homeschool support group based in Eastern Lapeer County. We offer monthly support meetings, an email list, children's activities and field trips. We also have a homeschool co-op that meets every other Friday. Read more...

Southfield Home School Support Group Edit Remove More
22715 Carleton, Southfield, MI 48033
Phone: (248) 353-7382
Email: garykath@flash.net

St. Clair County Homeschool Edit Remove More
Based in St. Clair County, MI
Contact: Roslynn Rose
Email: stclaircountyhomeschool-owner@yahoogroups.com
A group open to everyone in the surrounding area where people can come and find support, ask questions and even plan field trips.

TEACH of MI Edit Remove More
352 Buena Vista Dr, Blountville, MI 37617
Phone: (616) 943-0222

The Academy (formerly known as First Class Macomb co-op) Edit Remove More
44625 Schoenherr Rd, Sterling Heights, MI 48313
Contact: Julie Steppey
Phone: (586) 943-8719
Email: steppey5@gmail.com
A homeschool co-op group that is open to all homeschooling families. Kids from age 6 years (and Entering 1st grade) through 12th grade can participate. We also provide nursery and preschool classes for our families with older siblings enrolled in our co-op. Classes are parent-taught, but parents are not required to participate. Fees are $60 for an annual membership and $15 per course.

Tri-county Homeschooling & Families Network Edit Remove More
2084 W. Thompson Rd - Fenton, MI 48430
Contact: Stephanie or Lilia
Phone: (810) 853-7631 or (810) 853-8136
Email: sgrayhek@yahoo.com
We offer a full schedule of adventures at little to no cost. Some field trips do have entry fees due to ticket requirements (museums etc..) We do not collect ANY kind of membership fee. We host and organize holiday parties for social experiences and many field trips to museums, local municipalities, and camps. We are a family oriented group. We offer amazing events such as our Daddy Daughter Dance and Mother Son Night.

Waterford Area Teachers of Children at Home (WATCH) Edit Remove More
Waterford, MI
Contact: Carrie Cupp or Michelle Azema
Phone: (248) 890-4266
Email: cbcupp@yahoo.com, tinuvielsings@gmail.com
WATCH is a Christian home school support group for area home school parents (mostly moms). We meet monthly on the first Tuesday of the month from 7-9 P.M. Membership is $10 annually. Members of the group enjoy connection with one another through a Yahoo group sharing encouragement, information, and area activities organized by WATCH or other area organizations. Members also participate in field trips and a group Christmas party and end-of-year picnic.

West Michigan Homeschool Fine Arts Edit Remove More
5625 Burlingame Ave. SW, Wyoming, MI 49509
Contact: Scott & Wendy March
Phone: (616) 794-2332
Email: wmhfa@charter.net
We are a non-profit organization whose purpose is to assist and support families in the musical education of their homeschooled children. We have four bands, four orchestras, four choirs, handbell choirs, guitar class, marching band, a colorguard program and a large variety of ensembles.

Youth Theater Group: 6 Stools & a Folding Chair Edit Remove
Clarkston, Waterford, Troy, Lake Orion, White Lake and the surrounding areas
Contact: Laura Sias-Lee
Phone: (248) 310-0792 or (248) 310-1059
Email: youththeater6sandfc@yahoo.com
Quality youth theater in a wholesome environment where character means more than the part you play! We provide training in theater arts and produce a full-length Broadway musical each year. No dues in the fall, a small fee is charged for participation in the yearly musical. Fall workshops are held on Tuesday afternoons. Musical Rehearsals are held on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons and Friday afternoons as we get closer to the production. Read more...

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