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California Homeschool Groups

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homeschool support groups in CA
California Homeschool Network Edit Remove
2166 W. Broadway #266 Anaheim, CA 92805
Contact: CHN Hostess
Phone: (800) 327-5339
Email: info@californiahomeschool.net
CHN is a statewide inclusive support network for homeschool families and those seeking information about homeschooling. Read more...

Christian Home Educators Association of California Edit Remove
595 W. Lambert Road, Suite 101, Brea, CA 92821
Contact: Susan Beatty
Phone: (562) 864-2432
Fax: (562) 864-3747
Email: cheainfo@cheaofca.org
CHEA is a non-profit ministry established in 1982 to provide information, support, and training to the home education community, to advance the Kingdom of Jesus Christ, and to protect the God-given right of parents to direct the education and training of their children. Read more...

Homeschool Association of California (HSC) Edit Remove More
P.O. Box 77873, Corona, CA 92877-0128
Phone: (888) HSC-4440
See our web site for a thorough discussion of the legalities, excerpts from the ed. code books, and links to the state dept. of education web sites. HSC is a sponsor of the annual California Home Education conferences.

Association of Private Christian Educators Edit Remove More
P.O. Box 66, Orangevale, CA 95662
Phone/Fax: (916) 989-8723

Bay Area Schools In Christ (BASIC) Edit Remove
Cupertino, Los Altos, Los Gatos, Campbell, Santa Clara, Mountain View, Sunnyvale, Palo Alto, Menlo Park
Contact: Warren & Liz Shimada or Peter & Susan Lodenquai
Phone: (408) 868-9856 or (650) 515-5592
Email: basiccommunique@gmail.com
Following our Mission Statement, we are committed to coming alongside Christian homeschooling families by providing a group that not only supports our members in their homeschooling decision, but more importantly, provides a network of families with a shared Biblical worldview, as defined in our Statement of Faith, that bolster our members in their efforts to "train up their children in the way they should go". The family's worldview is then reinforced and purposefully implemented: our faith is walked out within the BASIC community via our culture of plurality, volunteering/serving the body, and accountability to each other by using the guidelines our Lord documented in His Word and we incorporated and reflected in our Core Values and Guiding Principles. Read more...

Calaveras Homeschoolers Edit Remove
Valley Springs and the Surrounding Areas; Jenny Lind, Rancho Calaveras, Paloma, Linden, San Andreas, etc.
Contact: Christine Frazier
Email: calaverashomeschoolers-owner@yahoogroups.com
We are an inclusive group of homeschooling families, both private and charter. You do not have to be a Christian homeschooler, but the behavior of all members will be governed by the principles as stated in Ephesians 4:29. We do field-trips, weekly park days, and other activities. Free membership. Read more...

California Teen Homeschoolers Edit Remove More
Serving California Teens
Email: CaliforniaTeenHomeschoolers-owner@yahoogroups.com
This is a secular non-political support group for families with teen homeschoolers. Please send information that will aid other teen homeschoolers, set up teen activities, classes or other learning activities.

Calvary Chapel Christian School Edit Remove More
1833 West Ave. J, Lancaster, CA 93534
Contact: April Oliver
Phone: (661) 942-0404
Fax: (661) 942-6080
Email: cccsprincipal1@gmail.com
We are a Christian, private school program that offers record keeping and help for your independent study students! We do have a support group only option, if you are only interested in support, field trips, lending library and parties.

Carpinteria Homeschool Group Edit Remove More
Carpinteria, CA 93013
Contact: Cynthia
Email: carpinteriahomeschoolgroup@gmail.com
Carpinteria Homeschool Group’s purpose is to bring together local homeschooling families for fun activities, group learning, and occasional field trips.

Christ the King Homeschooling Support Group Edit Remove More
Brookside Park, Pasadena
Contact: Kendra Tierney
Email: catholicallyear@gmail.com
We welcome any homeschooling families, but we are a Catholic group, so the focus of our activities is Catholic. Some of our activities: poetry recitation, spelling bee, field trips, May Crowning, Catechism bee, Stations of the Cross, patriotic speeches, fencing class, weekly park days, volleyball, science class for K-3 grade, and many more!

Christian Family Schools of Poway Edit Remove More
P.O. Box 665 Poway, 92074
Contact: Sylvia Pierce
Phone: 858-486-0514
Email: info@cfspoway.org
CFS Poway is a support group whose goal is to enhance individual families’ abilities to meet their educational goals by providing additional opportunities for students to develop academically, socially, physically and spiritually. We primarily exist to support privately homeschooling families. A range of services are provided for families who do not participate in a brick & mortar school. These include a year-end Promotion and Graduation Ceremony, School Pictures, Yearbook, Spelling Bee, Field trips, Co-op Classes, and annual Stanford standardized testing. We also have Park Days most months.

Christian Home Educators of the County of Kern (CHECK) Edit Remove More
P.O. Box 42101, Bakersfield, CA 93384
Email: info@checkca.org
Newcomers' social, park play days, field trips, homeschool fair, used curriculum fair, graduation / promotion, Circle of Friends, Mentor Moms.

Conejo Valley Homeschoolers Edit Remove More
Based in Ventura County, CA
Contact: Karen Barth
Email: kemhardt@adelphia.net

Considering Homeschooling Ministry - Morningstar Educational Network Edit Remove More
P.O. Box 2305, Orange, CA 92859
Contact: Denise Kanter
Phone: (714) 633-8074
Fax: (714) 633-8072
Email: info@consideringhomeschooling.org
A Christian ministry helping parents with babies, toddlers, preschoolers and with older children discover the blessings of a biblical home education. Free DVD and brochure, mentors and meetings.

Crescenta Valley CHEA Edit Remove More
La Crescenta, CA
Contact: Rex
Phone: (818) 720-6042
Email: rexch8@yahoo.com
We are a community which believes in the values that homeschooling provides. We provide opportunities for public speaking, excellence in academia, sports & play. Our goal is to build strong families & new families are welcome.

Crescenta Valley Christian Home Educators Association Edit Remove
La Canada, La Crescenta, Montrose, Glendale, Burbank, Pasadena, Altadena, San Marino, Alhambra, Eaglerock areas
Contact: Rex
Email: rexch8@yahoo.com
We are a small, but dedicated, group of families which generally meets on the first Friday of the month at Montrose Community Park at 12 noon. Many of the children give speeches during our monthly park day. We have about 5 camping trips per year, bowling night in October, geology demonstrations, and museum field trips. Read more...

Da Vinci Homeschool Group Edit Remove More
Alameda County
Contact: Desiree Springer
Email: davincihg@gmail.com
We are a friendly and supportive homeschool community. We meet for park days (every Tuesday), field trips, craft activities, learning events, nature walks, social activities, a mom's book club, mom's night out, and other member initiated events.

Discovery Learning Center of Santa Cruz Edit Remove More
111 Errett Circle, Santa Cruz, CA 95060
Contact: Heddi Craft
Phone: (831) 531-7352
Email: info@dlcsantacruz.org
The Discovery Learning Center of Santa Cruz is a volunteer-run, nonprofit organization that provides learning resources to preschool, homeschool, and traditionally schooled families. The core of our mission is to provide a location and resources for pre-K through 8th grade family learning.

East County Homeschool Group Edit Remove More
Based in San Diego, CA
Contact: Chris Conway
Email: christabeth@cox.net
We are a homeschooling support group in the East county of San Diego supporting El Cajon, La Mesa, Ramona, Santee, Lakeside, Spring Valley and surrounding areas. We offer field trips, park days, swim days, and lots of educational resources. We are open to all homeschoolers.

East San Gabriel Valley Homeschoolers Edit Remove More
Based in East San Gabriel Valley (LA County)
Contact: Zandra
Email: zandra@tarazandra.com
East San Gabriel Homeschoolers is a park day group for all homeschoolers in the cities of San Dimas, Glendora, Claremont, West Covina, Rowland Heights, Covina, Walnut, Diamond Bar and all surrounding cities. We are new to Facebook, but have been around as a group since 2006.
Currently we have kids ages 11-15. We are looking to regrow our park group as through the years attendance has slowed.
Our park day is inclusive. We are open to all homeschoolers regardless of personal beliefs. Please respect differences.

Edwards AFB Homeschoolers Edit Remove
Edwards Air Force Base, CA 93524
Email: eafbhomeschoolers-owner@yahoogroups.com
Active group serving families associated with Edwards AFB, military and civilian, and families living in the EAFB area. Free membership; Group fitness activities; Park days; Field trips; Holiday activities; etc. Read more...

Exploring Homeschooling Edit Remove More
P.O. Box 5372, Buena Park, CA 90622-5372
Contact: Mbuyi Khuzadi or Mong-Tham Khuzadi
Phone: (714) 686-3353 or (714) 686-3353
Email: info@exploringhomeschooling.com
Exploring Homeschooling helps teach Christians about the blessings of a private Biblical home education. We offer free email and phone consultation in starting homeschool outreaches, as well as tools such as brochures, a national e-letter, News and Tips for Homeschool Evangelists, and other resources.

Families for Him Edit Remove More
Fremont / Milpitas, CA
Email: familiesforhim@aol.com
A Christian homeschool support group.

Families United Supporting Each other (FUSE) Edit Remove More
Based in Temecula, CA 92592
Contact: Joana Johnson
Phone: (951) 506-2623
Email: joanajohnson@gmail.com
Active Christian group meeting several times a month for park days. family days, field trips, educational activities, parties, and special events.

Family Centered Education of Los Angeles (FaCE-LA) Edit Remove More
Meets in Glendale, serving Los Angeles and surrounding areas.
Email: facelainfo@gmail.com
We are a very active, inclusive homeschool support group with book clubs for all ages, a LARP group, frequent field trips and many classes organized by parents. We have park days on the first and third Thursday of every month in Glendale. We request a donation of $30 per family per year, which helps cover the cost of our yearly talent show, two family dances, yearbooks, and more.

Freedom Valley Home Learners Edit Remove More
Serving Temeulca, CA and surrounding areas
Contact: Kris Dalton
Email: kbdalton92591@yahoo.com
Active, inclusive group of homeschool families living in and around Temecula. Features park days, field trip opportunities, coops, Tween Group, Teen Group, Mom Book Club, etc. FVHL Teens also assist Home'sCOOL regional events planners in planning dances and events for homeschooled teens living in southern California.

Golden State Pro-Science Homeschoolers Edit Remove More
Merced, CA
Email: mbarbagallo@gmail.com
We're a group of pro-science homeschoolers based in California's central valley. We meet locally near Merced for fun, but are here to support pro-science homeschoolers online.

We are open to people from all faiths and all backgrounds, even if you're just curious about homeschooling.

GRACE Homeschool Group Edit Remove More
Vacaville Ca
Contact: Cheri Dickson or Celeste Powell
Email: gracecommunications@hotmail.com
We are a co-op offering class days on Wednesdays, field trips, park days, family fun days and teen events. Serving Solano and Yolo counties.

Hearthstone Educators Edit Remove More
Santa Maria
Contact: Cheryl Kliewer
Phone: (805) 937-7099
Email: kliewer.bcjk@verizon.net
Hearthstone Educators is an interdenominational Christian-based home school support group, whose mission is to provide parents with encouragement, exhortation for excellence and information about homeschooling with a Christ-centered, parent-directed focus. We also provide our families with educational and social opportunities to supplement their home studies such as monthly parents' meetings, field trips, Apologia co-ops, and bimonthly newsletter. Annual events include Fine Arts Festival, History/Science Fair, & graduation.

Heartland Christian Academy Edit Remove More
1480 Santa Ysabel, Los Osos, CA 93402
Contact: Debbie Fosdike
Phone: (805) 528-0391
Email: heartland@heartlandacademy.org
We are a nonprofit cooperative Christian private school support group that files its own R-4. We serve the California Central Coast of Los Osos, San Luis Obispo, Cayucos, and Morro Bay and others in the near area.

Heritage Homeschoolers of Solano County Edit Remove More
Vallejo, CA
Email: heritagehomeschoolerssolano@yahoo.com
Heritage Homeschoolers of Solano County is a parent managed Christian homeschool co-op for students grades Pre-k through 12. We offer academic and enrichment classes for homeschool students, and partake in other outside events to enhance students’ learning. Opportunities for parents to connect is also part of our agenda as we bring homeschool parents together to grow, and to be encouraged and supported in the homeschool journey.

Hesperia Christian Homeschool Club Edit Remove
Hesperia, CA
Contact: Shannon B.
We are a very active homeschool group that have many activities to partake in. Weekly park day, monthly craft day, and field trips. We host potlucks and include games for the kids. **(PLEASE CHECK ALL FACEBOOK MESSAGE FOLDERS AFTER REQUESTING TO JOIN!)** Read more...

Home Educators' Resource Center Edit Remove More
P.O. Box 1504, Bakersfield, CA 93302
Contact: Peggy Turner
Phone: (661) 366-9173
Email: hs411@hotmail.com
Specialized classes, email information network, convention, home school packets, formal graduation ceremony, seminars, testing, and more!

Homeschoolers of the Central Coast Edit Remove
San Luis Obispo County, CA
Contact: Jen
Email: jenhen16@yahoo.com
We are an inclusive group of homeschoolers, meeting together on a regular basis for interaction and scheduled field trips. We meet to talk about issues and to allow the children to play together. We keep a relaxed and casual atmosphere. Membership is free. Read more...

Homeschoolers Rooted in Christ Edit Remove More
Contact: Jennifer
Email: homeschoolersrootedinchrist@gmail.com
Faith based homeschool support group. We meet on a monthly basis for park days, themed activities, field trips and more.

Homeschooling in Central Orange County Edit Remove More
Serving Orange County, CA
Email: homeschoolingcoc-owner@yahoogroups.com
We are a local homeschool support group with a weekly parkday. We are inclusive and member-directed.

Homeschooling In SCV - Homeschool Santa Clarita Valley Edit Remove
Based in Santa Clarita Valley, CA 91350
Contact: Vicky
Email: homeschoolinginscv@yahoo.com
We offer 3-5 field trips a month, homeschool discussion group meetings, classes, clubs, sports, park days, camping/lodging trips, and much more! We have been a group for over 7 years! Read more...

HomeschoolingTnT Edit Remove More
Orange County
Contact: Sharon
Email: homeschoolingtnt-owner@yahoogroups.com
Homeschooling Teens and Tweens - We're a group of homeschooled teens and their parents who gather in and around Orange County, CA for beach parties, regional dances, pizza nights, camp-outs, Disneyland trips and other events. We welcome all homeschoolers new and old, regardless of race, religion, lifestyle, or homeschool style. Find us on facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1431090043791382/

Hope Christian Academy Edit Remove More
Orange and Los Angeles counties
Contact: Debe Haller
Phone: (714) 319-0490
Fax: (714) 589-2766
Email: office@hopeca.com
We are Orange County’s oldest originally owned and operated Private School Satellite Program affiliated with the Christian Home Educators Association of California (CHEA). We offer support, guidance and accountability to conservative evangelical Christian parents who desire to teach their children to live by Biblical principles, pursue excellence in academics, develop character with Christ as the example, practice responsible life skills and stewardship, and exhibit good role model behavior.

HSAMF - Camp Roberts, CA Edit Remove More
Camp Roberts and Paso Robles area
Contact: Mariel Barreras
Phone: (931) 216-8389
Email: marielkessbarreras@yahoo.com
The Home School Association for Military Families (HSAMF) serves all military with resources, support, and community. Members in the Camp Roberts area enjoy a variety of classes in the local community. HSAMF is a nonproft. Membership is $40 a year and includes dozens of benefits including free school supplies, scholarships, monthly newsletters, communication with military worldwide and many more.

HSAMF - Fort Irwin, CA Edit Remove
Fort Irwin, Barstow, Apple Valley, and Victorville area
Contact: Shellie Ridenhour
Phone: (760) 386-4683
Email: wsmkridenhour@yahoo.com
The Home School Association for Military Families (HSAMF) serves all military with resources, support, and community. Members in the Fort Irwin area enjoy a variety of classes on post to include Swim club, chess club, debate, art classes, P.E. and others. HSAMF is a nonproft. Membership is $40 a year and includes dozens of benefits including free school supplies, scholarships, monthly newsletters, communication with military worldwide and many more. Read more...

HSAMF- Fort Irwin Edit Remove More
Irwin and surrounding areas
Contact: Mariel Barreras
Phone: 931-216-8389
Email: info@hsamf.org
The Home School Association for Military Families (HSAMF) is a nonprofit organization open to all military (active duty, retired, and reserve) who home school their children. This organization's mission is to offer a stable and reliable support on every installation for every branch of the military.

The Home School Association for Military families (HSAMF) is founded as a Christian organization, but seeks to serve all families desiring to educate their children at home.

HSAMF serves homeschoolers by providing networking through its nationwide membership, listings of events local to each installation, opportunities for homeschoolers, and more.

Lake County Christian Home Educators Edit Remove More
Serving all of Lake County
Fax: (707) 263-8769
Email: area127@area127.com

Morongo Basin Homeschoolers Edit Remove More
Morongo Valley, Yucca Valley, Joshua Tree, Twenty-nine Palms, and surrounding areas.
Contact: Michelle Huelle
Phone: (760) 501-5952
Email: michelle@huelle.us
Welcome to the Morongo Basin (Yucca Valley, Morongo Valley and 29 Palms areas)! This group was created for all Morongo Basin homeschooling families to find resources, events and support. Weekly park days, co-ops, and field trips are planned regularly.

Mostly Homeschooled Girlscout Troop #643 Edit Remove More
Based in Irvine
Contact: Elizabeth
Phone: (949) 857-6394
Email: mommabear32@earthlink.net
We are a service oriented troop open to all girls from Pre-K-12th grade. We meet twice monthly at Irvine Community Church on Sand Canyon in Irvine. This year we will be doing a lot of cool projects, crafts and games. We will earn badges, have interesting speakers, go on some field trips and have a lot of fun!

North OC Homeschoolers Edit Remove More
417 Associated Road #272, Brea, CA, 92821
Contact: Amy McCamly
Phone: 714-253-7908
Email: discoveryoflearning@gmail.com
Designed to help homeschooling/unschooling families in North Orange County connect, build community, and share resources. We welcome all families to join and share with each other your homeschooling experience! We have regular park days and schedule field trips throughout the year to various locations around southern California. Membership dues are $5 per year.

OC Homeschool Events Edit Remove More
Serving Orange County, CA
Contact: Susana
Phone: (714) 771-6791
Email: whitefamily6@sbcglobal.net
An active secular homeschool group with lots of ideas thrown around, groups to find, and field trips to find friends!

OC Homeschool Group Edit Remove More
Costa Mesa, CA 92627
Email: erin@ochomeschoolgroup.com
Field trips, community and fun - for homeschoolers and unschoolers of every persuasion - in the Orange County area. Nominal family membership dues of $30/year. Read more...

Orange Coast Musical Arts Edit Remove More
5652 Harold Place, Huntington Beach, CA 92647
Contact: Donn Hallman
Phone: (714) 222-5079
Email: hallmanrfun@verizon.net
We are a homeschool band and orchestra program located in Orange County, California. There are 3 levels of band and 2 levels of orchestra including very beginning classes for new musicians. Tuition is inexpensive and scholarships are available. Rehearsals are located at Village Bible Church, Cornerstone, and Calvary Chapel of Huntington Beach. Our marching band took 2nd place at the Lompoc Flower Festival Parade and our jazz bands have won numerous awards and cash prizes at the Orange County Youth Expo.

Orange County Exploring Homeschooling Edit Remove More
P.O. Box 5372, Buena Park, CA 90622-5372
Contact: Mbuyi Khuzadi or Mong-Tham Khuzadi
Phone: (714) 686-3353 or (714) 686-3353
Email: info@exploringhomeschooling.com
A chapter of the national Exploring Homeschooling. Our organization offers weekly field trips, classes, nursing home ministry, park days, entrepreneur club, and other fellowship opportunities, mainly for the parents of babies, toddlers and preschoolers who are looking into Biblical homeschooling. We also have veteran homeschoolers share at our monthly meetings.

Queen of Angels Homeschool Support Group Edit Remove
Serving the Monterey / Salinas area
Contact: Amy Powell
Phone: (831) 794-3025
Email: queenofangelsca@yahoo.com
We are a Catholic Homeschool group and go to activities related to our faith, like First Friday Mass and Feast Day celebrations! We enjoy Field trips, Park days and the beach. All ages of children are welcome from toddler to teen! We have many learning styles while adhering to the Catholic faith. Read more...

Rainbow Felted Butterfly Wings Edit Remove More
Antelope Valley, CA A Waldorf/Steiner-Inspired Homeschool Co-Op in the Antelope Valley. Members include residents of as far North as Rosamond, and as far south as Acton, but with most residing in Lancaster and Palmdale.
Email: rainbowfeltedbutterflywings@hotmail.com
This is a secular group, embracing of all faiths and lifestyles with a strong emphasis in tolerance. The large group also includes families supplementing aspects of Waldorf/Steiner education with their children who attend school in a traditional classroom. The larger group meets weekly for park days and celebrates seasonal festivals together, while a smaller group specific to Waldorf homeschooling meets weekly for a co-op day.

Recharge: Amador Christian Homeschool Support Group Edit Remove
10501 Hwy 88, Jackson, CA 95642-9467
Contact: Terry Puc or Ann Kania
Phone: (209) 763-9283 or (209) 274-4995
Email: tkpuc@aol.com
We strive to encourage Christian women in Amador County and supporting areas in homeschooling their children. We offer monthly meetings on the 4th Tuesday for fellowship, worship, prayer, support and information. Group is affiliated with Calvary Ione Fellowship. Read more...

Sacramento Christian Organization of Parent Educators (SCOPE) Edit Remove
P.O. Box 376, Fair Oaks, CA 95628
Phone: (916) 668-0401
Email: chairman@scopehome.org
Encouraging the private Christian home educator since 1984. We offer local chat groups, annual project fair, annual homeschool convention and curriculum fair, high school graduation,field trips, and publish 11 monthly newsletters per year. Read more...

Sacramento Homeschool Meetup Group Edit Remove More
P.O. Box 1498, Galt, CA 95632
Contact: Shellie Collins
Phone: (209) 744-1785
Email: momsteachingathome@yahoo.com
A group for Christian homeschooling mothers and their children. We get together for park days, field trips, games, skating, bowling, and more! We also offer an Art co-op and a teen group. Free membership!

Saints and Angels Catholic Home Educators of the Central Valley (SACHECV) Edit Remove More
Serving San Joaquin, Stanislaus, Calaveras, and Merced Counties
Contact: Suzan Doer
Phone: (209) 669-0777
Email: suzan@saintsandangels.net
Newly formed in 2006, we are a support group through which Catholic parents can share and exchange ideas, activities, and Faith. We especially believe in being available to families new to homeschooling.

Santa Barbara Homeschool Network Edit Remove More
Santa Barbara area, CA
Contact: SBHN-Owner@yahoogroups.co
Email: sbhn-owner@yahoogroups.com
A free, secular, and inclusive support group for homeschooling families in the Santa Barbara area to share information and plan park days, events, activities, field trips, etc. An eclectic group welcoming a wide spectrum of philosophies and approaches to homeschooling. Families with all ages of children, from birth on, are welcome and encouraged to start exploring homeschooling.

SoCal Christian Homeschoolers Edit Remove More
Based in Torrance, CA with trips all around Southern California (LA County, Orange County, San Diego County, Riverside County, San Bernardino County)
Contact: Raquel A.
Phone: (424) 248-4326
Email: christianprodigies@gmail.com
Our homeschool group is a free homeschool group which offers weekly park days, weekly sports classes (9-17 years old), service projects, Christian activities, and beneficial field trips both for learning and for fun throughout the year. Join our group to enjoy priceless memories and create lasting friendships to last a lifetime! Read more...

South Orange County Christian hOmeschoolers (SOCCO) Edit Remove More
Based in South Orange county
Email: lkmehrley@roadrunner.com
Support group for Christian families pursuing independent home education. Members support one another through a private website. We offer group classes, park days, services opportunities, and field trips. For more information on the group, to contact the leaders of the group, or to find out about membership visit

Tehachapi Homeschool Co-Op Edit Remove More
Based in Tehachapi, CA 93561
Contact: Debra Tangren
Email: tehachapihomeschoolco_op-owner@yahoogroups.com
This group is all-inclusive. We do not discriminate to religon, ethnic background or style of homeschooling. We have park days, co-op activities, clubs and all sorts planned. If you live in surrounding towns, Bear Valley, Stallion Springs, Mojave, Rosamond, California City or Edwards AFB you are welcome to join.

The Learning Collective Edit Remove More
Serving Upland, Rancho Cucamonga, Claremont, Glendora, Ontario, Fontana, Riverside,and surrounding area
Contact: Salena Smedley
Email: registrar.tlc@gmail.com
The Learning Collective (TLC) is a non-profit, inclusive, parent-led, homeschool enrichment program for children 5 through 17 years of age. Subjects such as science, history, physical education, performing, visual, language and domestic arts have been featured in past semesters. The beauty of a co-op is that the number and variety of classes offered depends entirely on the contributions from its member families! Parents choose to support the program as committee participants, teachers, and assistants and remain on campus throughout each TLC day to meet the necessary staffing needs. We are not religiously affiliated. We meet in Upland on Mondays from 9:30-3:25.

Valley Christian Home Educators Edit Remove More
P.O. Box 555, Armona, CA 93202
Contact: Kevin and Debbie Bay
Phone: (559) 362-0965
Email: dbay32@yahoo.com

VC-LIFE Homeschool Network (formerly Ventura County Young Homeschoolers) Edit Remove More
Serving Ventura County, CA
Contact: Ninette Shorter
Email: vc-life_homeschool_network-owner@yahoogroups.com
An inclusive, secular, eclectic support group for parents / caregivers homeschooling children of all ages (infants on up), or those exploring the possibility of homeschooling. It's never too soon to start creating community! Activities are member-generated - park days, field trips, etc.

Waldorf-Inspired Sacramento Homeschoolers (WISH) Edit Remove
Sacramento County and surrounding areas
Contact: Sandi Russi or Carrie McGregor
Phone: (916) 606-0799 or (916) 457-6882
Email: mchumminghorse@yahoo.com
WISH provides support, encouragement, friendship, and a sense of community to home educators who are working with Waldorf methods and ideas. WISH members create a vibrant community through regular park days, field trips, camping trips and by sharing seasonal festivals. Our weekly meetings are primarily held in natural park settings (rather than playgrounds). There are no specific religious affiliation requirements for our members; members choose their own spiritual paths and respect individual choice in this matter. Read more...

West Bay Christian Home Educators Edit Remove More
652 Edgemar Ave, Pacifica, CA 94044
Phone: (650) 359-8905

Woodland Area Christian Home Educators Edit Remove More
Serving Christian home educators in or near Yolo County, CA
Contact: Carol
Phone: (530) 669-6748
Email: wachewoodland@outlook.com
We provide monthly support meeting, park days, field trips, and other special events.

Yuba-Sutter Homeschool Meetup Group Edit Remove More
Serving the Yuba-Sutter area and beyond
Email: firefly78@comcast.net
Meet other local homeschooling families for park days, field trips, family gatherings, and other fun activities for both kids and parents! We have members from Yuba City, Marysville, Olivehurst, Live Oak, Wheatland, Sutter, and beyond.

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