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Texas Homeschool Groups

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homeschool support groups in TX
Family Educators Alliance of South Texas (FEAST) Edit Remove More
25 Burwood, San Antonio, TX 78216
Phone: (210) 342-4674
Fax: (210) 541-8722
Email: staff@homeschoolfeast.com
A nonprofit organization founded in 1989 to serve as a clearing house of information and support services to the homeschool community. We offer a bookstore with over 15,000 titles, legal information on homeschooling in Texas, orientations for new homeschoolers, monthly newsletter, workshops and training seminars, annual convention and curriculum fair, team sports, co-op classes, music conservatory, achievement testing, agricultural fair, science fair, debate tournament, geography and spelling bee. We also co-host a variety of events.

Greater Houston Area Home Educators Edit Remove
10592-A Fuqua #503, Houston, TX 77089
Phone: (817) 400-2692
Email: info@g-hah.org
In 1983, several home-school families met to begin the organization now known as Southeast Texas Home School Association, SETHSA. It was not, however, until 1986 that SETHSA officially came to exist. In 2014, SETHSA merged with G-HAH and changed it's name to Greater Houston Area Home Educators. Read more...

Texas Home School Coalition Edit Remove More
P.O. Box 6747, Lubbock, TX 79493
Phone: (806) 744-4441
Fax: (806) 744-4446
Email: staff@thsc.org
THSC Association, a 501(c)(4) advocacy organization, serves and protects Texas homeschool families by lobbying and intervening in problems with government officials and others related to parental rights and the right to teach children at home--including written or verbal intervention. When necessary, THSCA will also provide legal assistance for members. Its work is funded by the sale of resources and the procurement of membership fees (not tax-deductible).

A Heart 4 Learning Edit Remove More
3238 Kenwood st Apt F, Corsicana, TX, 75110
Contact: Christina Trevillian
Phone: (903) 874-8549
Email: prophetessacorn73@yahoo.com, Heart_4_learning-owner@yahoogroups.com
Homeschool group for those in Navarro county and the state of Texas. How To's, Christian Homeschooling, Live discussions on talkshoe. Homeschooling resources, State laws, Special needs. Support system for Parents, Local Park group.

Apostolate of Roman Catholic Home Schoolers Edit Remove
P.O. Box 66602, Houston, TX 77266
Contact: Monica Bloodworth
Email: information@arch-homeschool.org
Supporting and providing aid to Catholic homeschooling families through a network of friends. ARCH offers area-wide activities such as a Back to School Mass, Curriculum Fair, End of the Year Picnic and Mass, and a Graduation Mass. We also have various social activities and speakers throughout the year. Read more...

Baytown Homeschoolers Edit Remove More
P.O. Box 2038, Baytown, Texas 77522 We service the greater Baytown Area including Highlands, Mont Belvieu, Anahuac, Winnie, Crosby, and more.
Contact: Cindy Gonzalez
Phone: (281) 222-9285
Email: baytownhomeschoolers@gmail.com
The Baytown Homeschoolers' purpose is to provide educational enrichment and Christian support for local homeschool families. Our homeschool group includes children of all ages, from infant to college-bound students. The families are friendly, compassionate, and supportive of each other in our homeschooling endeavors. They all share a love for Christ and a love for homeschooling.
Opportunities provided through our group include: monthly meetings, field trips, field day, world fair, science and art fair, spelling bee, park days, holiday celebrations, service projects, curriculum swaps, clubs, and guest speakers, etc. Annual dues are $30.

Bear Creek Interfaith Homeschooler's Network Edit Remove More
Serving the Keller area
Contact: Ruth Lane
Email: bearcreekinterfaithhsn@gmail.com
We are a support group for the Keller area. We offer several activities throughout the year, including field trips and co-op classes. We have mentoring available for new homeschoolers and continuing support for those with experience.

Bell County Christian Home Educators Association Edit Remove
P.O. Box 564, Belton, TX 76513
Contact: Valerie Hampton or Traci Fulmer
Phone: (254) 939-1984 or (254) 986-3446
Email: bcchea.info@gmail.com
As a Christian home school support group, BCCHEA offers its Central Texas members monthly field trips, sponsors fun activities for families throughout the year and annual standardized testing for students. Read more...

Big Country Home Educators (BCHE) Edit Remove More
Based in Abilene, Texas and covering 10 counties
Contact: Greg Scales
Email: Form / Contact Page
We average 160-200 families annually and coordinate a wide range of activities and field trips to include a science and history project fair, kindergarten graduation, spelling bee, high school formal, graduation and used book and curriculum sale to name a few. Membership is $60.00 per year with a service commitment.

Big Spring Association of Christian Home Educators Edit Remove
P.O. Box 3343, Big Spring, TX 79721
Email: Form / Contact Page
We exist to offer support to other Christian families who are on their homeschooling journey. Read more...

Boy Scout Troop 4031 Edit Remove
Allen Bible Church, 109B N. Greenville Ave, Allen, TX 75002
Contact: Jason Vorderbruggen or Jerry Garlington
Phone: (214) 274-1622
Email: jason@vwetravel.com, wv130lgcc@aol.com
Our troop is for boys from Christian homeschool families in the McKinney,
Allen, Frisco, and Plano area. Our goal is that they become men of honor and Godly character through Scouting. The troop meets on Monday nights at Allen Bible Church. Read more...

Brazos Area Homeschool Association (BAHA) Edit Remove More
P.O. Box 9438, College Station, TX 77842
Contact: board@brazosaha.org
Phone: (936) 855-2269
Email: board@brazosaha.org
BAHA is an inclusive association serving all home educating families in the Brazos Valley region of Texas. BAHA acts an umbrella group and provides monetary grants for groups who provide academic, social and support activities for the home schooling parent and child. Website, newsletters, seminars, library, coffee social, etc. Free membership.

Brazos Valley Christian Home Educators Association Edit Remove
P.O. Box 11397, College Station, TX 77842
Email: info@bvchea.org
BVCHEA is an association of Christian homeschool families in the Brazos Valley. We sponsor academic and athletic programs, as well as social events. $30/year membership. Read more...

Capital Christian Cougars Football Edit Remove More
Austin/Round Rock/Georgetown
Contact: Brian Johnson or David Campbell
Phone: (512) 439-9983 or (512) 632-7706
Email: capitalcougarfootball@gmail.com
The Capital Christian Cougars are members of the Texas Assn. of Independent Athletes Organization (TAIAO) Six-man Varsity and Jr. High tackle football and cheerleaders of homeschooled athletes in the Georgetown, Round Rock, Austin Texas area. The Cougars play a 10 game Jr. High and Varsity Schedule. Read more...

Catholic Homeschooler About North Texas (CHANT) Edit Remove More
642 Jernigan Rd, Copper Canyon, TX 75077
Contact: Maura Wingard
Phone/Fax: (940) 241-1178
Email: mowingard@aol.com
We are a group of Catholic homeschoolers in the North Texas area concentrated near the Dallas/Ft Worth metroplex. We communicate via CHANTtalk and most of us belong to smaller local Catholic homeschool groups close to where we live. You are welcome to join if you are a Catholic homeschooling family in the area!

CenTex Chargers Homeschool Sports Association Edit Remove More
1506 Paseo del Plata, Suite 300, Temple, TX 76502
Contact: John Ash
Phone: (254) 773-9321
Fax: (254) 742-1197
Email: Form / Contact Page
We are a sports association started by homeschoolers to serve the central Texas area. We have athletes from Temple, Belton, Killeen, and the surrounding communities, and do not limit our membership geographically. In addition to offering six-man football, volleyball, baseball, basketball, track & field, and cross country, we are open to offering more sports if coaches volunteer.

Chefs and Encouragement Edit Remove More
3283 County Road 2618
Contact: Emily Colgan
Phone: 214-729-8608
Email: colgantx@gmail.com
A Christian-based, membership-required support group. We offer field trips, monthly group events, prom, and activities for all ages. We also have community service projects and information for the area. First Timothy 5:18

Christian Home Educators of Johnson County (CHE) Edit Remove More
Johnson County, Texas
Contact: Amber Jones or Holly Wallis
Phone: (817) 666-8548 or (281) 635-5302
Email: chehomeschool@outlook.com
CHE welcomes all homeschooling families into the current school year. It is amazing what the Lord is doing in Johnson County and across the country—bringing education back to the home and to the parents! With eyes wide open to the world of homeschooling in a time where even more resources are available than ever before. CHE is only one of many growing homeschool support groups in Texas. CHE branches out across Johnson County to tie in smaller communities and give them the much needed support and encouraging growth and development of new homeschool support groups and services. Your family is welcomed to join at any time during the year through a membership form. There are no fees to participate. You are free to choose activities that fit your family's needs. It is a great opportunity to fellowship with like-minded families.

Christian Home Educators of Sulphur Springs (CHESS) Edit Remove More
P.O. Box 794, Sulphur Springs, TX 75483
Contact: Susan Fisher
Email: info@chess-tx.org
This group offers Christian fellowship, support, field trips, teen events, yearly home school prom, park days, volleyball, basketball, tennis, cub scouts, boy scouts, keepers at home, co-op, parties, and more!

Christian Home Educators of the Mount Pleasant Area (CHEMPA) Edit Remove More
Serving Mount Pleasant and surrounding cities
Email: chempatx@yahoo.com
Our group offers fellowship, support, weekly park days, monthly newsletter, teen events, children's parties, Co-op,Yahoo group, Stanford Achievement Testing, basketball, volleyball, golf and much more. $10.00 yearly fee.

Christian Homeschool Alliance of Texas (CHAT) Edit Remove
P.O. Box 381998, Duncanville, TX 75138
Email: info@c-h-a-t.org
CHAT is a group of homeschooling families in SW Dallas & N. Ellis County area. CHAT has a variety of activities and extra-curricular programs including field trips, MNO, Christmas caroling, holiday parties, a talent show, pizza parties, and the only local team in the BEST robotics program. We also have a program of extra-curricular classes at a low cost. Membership in CHAT is $35 per year. Read more...

Christian Homeschool Athletes of North Texas Edit Remove More
North Dallas
Contact: Dave Joss
Phone: (469) 675-0989
Email: djoss@dgjnet.com
We offer 6-man football, basketball and softball. Membership is open to all homeschool families wanting to give their children a chance to play competitive sports against school teams and compete in tournaments.

Christian Homeschoolers in Paris, TX Edit Remove More
Lamar County (Paris, TX) and surrounding area.
Email: chiptexas.org@gmail.com
Enrichment classes, robotics team, field tips, park days, athletics, and more. Support forums and community. Read more...

CHSM Crimson Knights Edit Remove
25511 Myrtle Springs
Contact: CJ Pomeroy or Jodi Jones
Phone: (844) 654-2476 or (281) 898-8721
Email: info@chsmhouston.com
The CHSM Crimson Knights is a Christian organization providing competitive sports in Basketball & Volleyball for North Houston homeschoolers. Cost to participate varies on sport, and most teams practice 2 times per week during the season. The Crimson Knights are proud supports of the National Christian Homeschool Championships, and strive to compete in all available NCHC postseason tournaments. Read more...

Collin County Homeschoolers Sharing Adventures in Learning (SAIL) Edit Remove
Collin County, McKinney, Allen, Plano, Richardson
Contact: Shari Fahey
Phone: (972) 540-6610
Email: info@sailhomeschoolers.org
SAIL is a member-governed, inclusive homeschool group centered in McKinney, Texas. We provide a network of support for the entire homeschool family. For a semi-annual fee of $15 per family, we offer activities for toddlers to teens. We have book clubs, chess club, park days, educational games days, athletic events, cultural events, field trips, Mom's Night Out, family gatherings, and more. Read more...

Conroe Area Christian Home Educators Edit Remove More
Montgomery County and surrounding areas - Conroe, Montgomery, Willis, New Waverly, The Woodlands, Spring, Cleveland, Magnolia 18842 Walding Rd, Montgomery, TX 77356
Phone: (936) 756-4648
Email: cachequestions@yahoo.com, http://www.cacheonline.org/feedback.htm
Since 1987, CACHE has been a cooperative effort supporting the home schooling community in Montgomery County, Texas. CACHE is now represented by more than 150 families who wish to educate their children independently, with a focus on both spiritual and academic excellence.
Benefits include our monthly newsletter, The Lifeline, reduced dues for HSLDA membership, graduation events, extracurricular projects and activities, yearly book fair, and more!

Coppell Home School Association (CHSA) Edit Remove More
Coppell, Lewisville, Flower Mound and surrounding cities in the DFW area
Email: member@coppellhomeschoolassociation.com
CHSA is a very active Christian homeschool group in the heart of the metroplex that offers several field trips per month, weekly drop-off enrichment classes, biannual events where kids can perform and display their art/science projects, holiday parties and weekly get-togethers, service opportunities, and seminars to support our home educators. Membership is $25 annually.

Crosby Christian Home Educators Edit Remove More
Serving the Crosby, Huffman, Dayton, areas of Texas
Contact: Bambi Dossey
Phone: (281) 838-5355
Email: ccheoftx-owner@yahoogroups.com
We are a small support group meeting weekly for combined lessons, playdates, lunch or fieldtrips. We have been blessed to use the facilities of First Baptist Church of Crosby.

Crossroads Home Educated Children (CHEC) Edit Remove More
P.O. Box 5175, Victoria, Texas 77901
Phone: (361) 648-0652
Email: info@checin.org
CHEC is a local, inclusive, non-profit, Christian-based support group serving families in and around Victoria, TX.

Cypress Homeschool Association (CHA) Edit Remove More
Cypress, Texas and surrounding areas in the Northwest area of Houston
Email: president@cypresshomeschool.org
CHA is an inclusive group dedicated to the support of parents and students homeschooling in the Cypress area. Through field trips, social outings, teaching co-ops and various clubs and events, we seek to create many opportunities for education and socialization.

Dallas Composite Squadron - Civil Air Patrol Edit Remove
8611 Lemmon Ave, Dallas, TX
Contact: Major Bob Sides or Captain Andrew Thiesman
Email: Form / Contact Page
CAP provides leadership training, technical education, scholarships and career education to young men and women ages 12 to 21. Thousands of young people have their first orientation flights through the cadet program, and hundreds have soloed in gliders and powered aircraft. The Dallas Composite Squadron currently meets at the Business Jet Center at Dallas Love Field on Monday nights at 19:00. Read more...

Dallas Home School Athletic Association (HSAA) Edit Remove More
P.O. Box 262486, Plano, TX 75026-2486
Contact: Chris Schultz or Tim Day
Phone: (972) 743-7544 or (214) 534-2469
Email: coachschultz@verizon.net, Tim_Day@dell.com
Dallas HSAA was established to provide homeschooled youth with opportunities to compete in competitive athletic events in a Christian atmosphere. Sports include baseball, basketball, football, soccer, volleyball, track & field, cross country and cheerleading. Each participating adult volunteer must sign a statement of faith.

Dallas Thunder Basketball Edit Remove More
Serving Dallas, TX
Contact: David Parker
Phone: (972) 475-3946
Email: dallasthunderinfo@gmail.com
Dallas Thunder is a Christ-centered, competitive basketball organization for homeschooled boys and girls. We have teams teams for 18 and under, 16 and under, 14 and under, 12 and under, and for 2007 are evaluating the level of interest for 10 and under. We have experienced, professional coaches and provide our teams the opportunity to play top public and private schools in the area. Our season culminates with participation in the National Christian Homeschool Basketball Tournament.

Deseret Homeschoolers of Southeast Texas Edit Remove More
Houston, TX
Contact: Marissa Sutherland
Email: deserethomeschoolertx@gmail.com
Deseret Homeschoolers is meant to be of interest to LDS families involved in the education of their own children, although membership is not limited to LDS families. Our mission is to make opportunities for families involved in the intellectual, social, and spiritual education of their own children. We offer education days, field trips, active teen and tween groups, modest prom, and a Shakespeare Play, among other activities.

DFW Unschooling Families Edit Remove More
Dallas, TX 75214
Contact: Julie Ross
Email: julieaross@me.com
Our colorful group of unschooling parents, tweens, tots, and children of all ages converge in both Dallas and Ft. Worth (and elsewhere in the metroplex) for personal connections, lots of play, and thought-provoking discussion. Group organizers cover Meetup operating expenses so it is free to join our group. This permits folks curious about unschooling or investigating homeschooling to mingle with our community. Group Meetups are primarily held in Dallas, Plano, and Ft. Worth. Group Meetup locations generally include area museums, recreation centers, and local parks.

Eagle Mountain Area Christian Home Educators (EMACHE) Edit Remove More
Based in Azle, TX, 10 miles west of Fort Worth PO Box 1218, Azle, TX 76098
Contact: Mayra Bremer
Phone: (817) 270-1918 or (817) 444-4320
Email: mb0721@thebremers.com
A small Christian homeschool support group offering field trips, family fellowship, PE, newsletter, dramas, recitals, etc. The fathers are very involved in the group. We provide information to new homeschooling families.

El Paso Home School Educators Edit Remove More
1335 Henry Brennan El Paso, TX 79936
Contact: Patricia Ferman
Phone: (915) 888-7387
Email: elpasocoop@gmail.com
The mission of El Paso Home School Educators (EPHSE) is to share information and to aid in educational growth opportunities and fortification for homeschool families and all interested parties. We work collectively to plan and integrate activities for homeschooled children. EPHSE currently coordinates with several educational groups for the benefit of homeschool member families, including El Paso County agencies and agencies and organizations from surrounding cities.

El Paso Liberty Homeschool Network Edit Remove More
El Paso, Texas
Contact: Terri Barnes
Phone: (915) 740-3216
Email: kthkab05@aol.com
Our group is free, all-inclusive, and child-centered. We offer support to families through information, educational, and social activities, including field trips, ceremonies, and workshops.

Ellis County Christian Homeschool Organization Edit Remove More
P.O. Box 232, Waxahachie, TX 75168
Contact: Wendy Johnson
Email: info@eccho.us
ECCHO is a multi-denominational Christian support group for homeschooling families in the Ellis County, Texas, area. Activities include field trips, enrichment classes, park days, Mom's Night Out, and events, such as a fall chili cook-off, a spring picnic, and a ladies' retreat. Dues are $30 per year per family.

ENAACT Family Academy Edit Remove More
5513 IH 35 South, New Braunfels, TX 78132
Contact: Neal Donop or Jill Jansen
Phone: (830) 626-0320 or (830) 626-0320
Fax: (830) 626-2614
Email: neald@tolcmail.org
A Christian Homeschool co-op serving New Braunfels and surrounding areas. Admission is $40-80 dollars, and parents are encouraged to participate in co-op activities.

Families in Support of Catholic Home Education (FISCHE) Edit Remove More
North Austin
Contact: Becky Saucedo
Email: info@fischegroups.org
Families in Support of Catholic Home Education (FISCHE) is a support group that serves Catholic homeschooling families in the north Austin area. Our mission is to be a community where Catholic homeschooling families can meet in a faithful Catholic environment for prayer, worship, formation, service, and support.

Families Investing in Christian Home Education (FICHE) Edit Remove More
4210 E. Municipal Dr. #17, Lubbock, TX 79403
Phone: (806) 766-6790
Email: fichewt@yahoo.com
A warm and friendly, Christian group for homeschoolers, FICHE encourages families through monthly fellowship opportunities. Serving the West Texas area, our members enjoy field trips, Mom's Nights Out, Family Nights, teen groups and much more. We also offer mentoring through our sponsorship of a chapter of Smoothing The Way.

Flames Activities Association Edit Remove More
P.O. Box 20124, Amarillo, TX 79114
Contact: Ginger McMullin
Phone: (806) 372-3553
Email: gingermcmullin@gmail.com
We currently provide a forum for homeschool sports and are pursuing options in education and fellowship activities. We are comprised of mainly 6th-12th graders but do try to form teams for younger students if there is interest.

Frisco H.I.S. Edit Remove More
Serving Frisco, TX
Email: friscohis@yahoo.com
Christian-run, inclusive support group offering two to three activities a week. We offer fine art trips, field trips, and plenty of fellowship opportunties for both parent and child. We also offer a class for new homeschoolers. Annual membership dues of $25.

Galveston Homeschool Performing Arts Co-op Edit Remove
P.O. Box 16791, Galveston, TX 77552
Contact: Jeannette Duke
Phone: (409) 762-5193
Email: Form / Contact Page
A non-profit organization established in 2003 to provide comprehensive, high-quality education in music, dance, and drama to Galveston area home-educated students. We meet once a week during the school year, offering music classes in the morning (4 choirs, 3 bands, instrument and theory classes, rhythm band, and recorder class) and dance and drama in the afternoon. We are founded and run by Christians as an inclusive group. Read more...

Glow Homeschool Group Edit Remove More
Southeast Texas- Beaumont Area
Contact: Krista Hebert or Melanie Gray
Phone: (409) 790-6382 or (409) 504-5738
Email: godleadsourway@att.n​et
Glow homeschool group is a support group that meets once a month to share ideas and interact with other fellow homeschoolers. We meet up for field trip once a month and plan other activities to do at our meetup each month.

Grace Christian Educators Edit Remove
Serving Johnson County, Hill County, southern Tarrant County
Contact: Ashley Lawson or Lydia Muniz
Email: gracechristianeducators@gmail.com
GCE, Grace Christian Educators, is a Christian support group offering classes and other fun events for K-12, and group activities in and around Johnson County, TX. Read more...

Greater Waco Christian Home Educators Edit Remove More
P.O. Box 8861, Waco, TX 76714
Email: info@gwche.org
We are a volunteer Christian support group dedicated to helping families who have chosen to educate their children at home.

H-HERO Edit Remove
Houston, TX
Email: h-hero-owner@yahoogroups.com
H-HERO is for sharing information about Houston area homeschooling resources (like e-lists, laws, museums, etc.) and opportunities (like meetups, field trips, etc.) with all Houston-area home educators. Read more...

Hardin County Home School Association (HCHSA) Edit Remove More
Hardin and Jefferson Counties, Southeast Texas Area and Beyond P.O. Box 730, Silsbee, TX 77656
Email: hchsa.tx@gmail.com
HCHSA is a Christian organization. We meet twice a month. We offer classes, band, field trips, family fellowships, student parties, mom night outs, etc... Please visit the website for more information.

HCentralSA Edit Remove More
Serving San Antonio, TX
Contact: Patricia Valdez
Phone: (210) 224-8729
Email: hcentralsa@satx.rr.com
A central website location for homeschoolers in and around San Antonio.

HEAR of Rockwall Edit Remove More
P.O. Box 2442, Rockwall, TX 75087
Contact: Jennifer Weinzapfel
Phone: (972) 743-3497
Email: info@hearrockwall.org
HEAR strives to foster a family-helping-family, Christian environment. Monthly meetings are held the 2nd Tuesday from 7-9 P.M.

HEART: Home Education and Responsible Teaching Edit Remove More
Kingwood and the surrounding areas (Northeast Houston)
Contact: Jennifer
Email: heart.contact@gmail.com
HEART is a Christian support group based in the Kingwood/Atascocita/Humble (Northeast Houston, Texas) area. HEART seeks to encourage families in their homeschooling endeavors by providing academic enrichment activities, social opportunities and support for children of all ages – and parents, too! We also are a link in keeping families informed of developments in state and local laws, especially pertaining to the legal rights of parents to home educate their children.

HEART is divided into 4 segments: Little HEARTs, HEART Elementary, HEART Strings Middle School, and HEART Strings High School. Although there may be age-segregated areas for HEART, most activities are open to younger and older siblings.

If you are looking for a homeschool support group in the Northeast Houston, Texas area, then contact us for more information.

Hearth and Home Ministries Edit Remove More
P.O. Box 835105, Richardson, TX 75083
Contact: Kirk and Bev McCord
Phone: (817) 460-4565 or (972) 272-6965
Email: staff@homeschoolbookfair.org

Helping Hands Christian Homeschool Co-op Edit Remove More
Central TX; Temple/Belton and surrounding areas
Contact: Janey Cloe or Traci Fulmer
Phone: (254) 421-9303 or 254-986-3446
Email: sjbac305@cloeproperties.net
Christian homeschool co-op. Spring & Fall Semesters. 3 classes every Monday for 10 weeks (each semester). Parent led. Art, athletics, music, math, language, science, and much more! Our catalog changes each semester. We meet at Temple Bible Church, in Temple,TX.

Henderson Area Christian Home Educators (HACH) Edit Remove More
1342 CR 346, Henderson, TX 75654
Phone: (903) 889-2125
Serving the counties of Rusk, Gregg, Smith, Panola, and Nacogdoches.

Hill Country Christian Homeschoolers (HCCH) Edit Remove More
Bulverde, Spring Branch, Canyon Lake, and North San Antonio
Contact: Stephanie Broglie
Phone: 210-487-1616
Email: info@myhcch.com
HCCH is an "all ages" Christian homeschooling support group that provides social and educational opportunities including field trips, weekly park days, academic classes and support for families in the Bulverde/Spring Branch and surrounding areas.

Hill Country Home School Association Edit Remove
Hill Country area of Texas
Contact: Steve and Wendi Williams or Megan Baethge
Phone: (830) 890-8227 or (830) 370-2304
Email: hchsapresident@gmail.com
A group of Christian homeschooling families offering support to one another through monthly Mom's Meetings, field trips, co-op classes two quarters a year, student council, Dad's Night, yearly family picnics, community service opportunities, weekly park time activities etc. There is a yearly membership fee of $30 per family. Read more...

Hip Happy Homeschoolers : Dallas Homeschool Co-op Edit Remove More
Dallas, Texas
Contact: Sarah Bogle
Email: hip.happy.homeschoolers@gmail.com
Our secular group organizes educational and socialization opportunities in Dallas, Texas, including: field trips, park days, parent-led subject units, community service projects, and cultural/holiday celebrations. All ages are welcome to connect, find friendship, and support each other. We’re a tight knit, active group spanning preschool to high school! No fee to join.

Holy Family Homeschoolers (HFH) Edit Remove More
PO Box 9731, Austin, Texas 78766-9731
Contact: Sherry N.
Email: hfhlist-owner@yahoogroups.com
http://www.main.org/hfh/, http://groups.yahoo.com/group/hfhlist/
An organization of Catholic homeschooling families in the greater Austin area. We are primarily a support organization for the large group of Catholic homeschoolers in and around Austin. We also organize a yearly Blessing Mass, field trips, classes, and other events. From this group, several smaller more local groups have developed.

Home Education, Learning, and Development (HELD) Edit Remove
PO Box 16713 Sugar Land, TX 77479
Contact: Kathie Stone
Email: held4fb@gmail.com
HELD is a culturally diverse, all-inclusive group of home educators. HELD is very active and is run through meetup.com/held-homeschooling-meetup. Each family is encouraged to get involved and take a role in class, field trip, annual event, and park day creation. Read more...

Home Educators Alliance for Resources and Training of Texas, Inc (HEART of Texas) Edit Remove More
Contact: Dave & Anne Gebhart
Phone: (817) 803-3734
Email: info@heartoftex.org
Home Educators Alliance for Resources and Training of Texas, Inc (HEART of Texas) is a private, non-profit 501(c)3 corporation dedicated to serving the home schooling support groups, leaders and families in our regional service area.

Home Oriented Private Education (HOPE) Homeschool Group Edit Remove
McAllen, Edinburg, Mission, Pharr, Harlingen, and all throughout the RGV.
Contact: Amanda Kroeker
Phone: 956-605-9402
Email: hopehomeschoolmcallen@yahoo.com
Home Oriented Private Education (HOPE) for Hidalgo County, Inc., is a Christ-centered, biblically sound, homeschool support group located in the Rio Grande Valley (RGV) of Texas. We have homeschool families join us from McAllen, Edinburg, Mission, Pharr, Weslaco, Harlingen, and points in between. Through athletic, educational, and social endeavors, HOPE strengthens families in raising men and women who seek God’s heart. Read more...

Home School Huddle Edit Remove
4220 North Josey Lane, Carrollton, TX 75010
Contact: Kimmie
Phone: (972) 416-7109
Email: mbkkjccb@gmail.com
Meeting every other month starting June 7th, 2010. We will do twice-weekly reviews on movies, book, and music. We are Christian but will let anyone in. Membership is free of charge. Ages are 7th-12th grades. Read more...

Homeschool Community of S Tarrant & Johnson Counties Edit Remove More
Burleson, TX
Email: homeschoolcommunitytx@gmail.com
Our Homeschool Community offers support and resources for homeschooling families in South Fort Worth, Crowley, Burleson, Joshua, and surrounding areas. The $20 annual family Membership Fee helps to cover expenses including facility rental fees and supplies for special events, access to homeschooling resources such as the Scripps Spelling Bee, and a secure, private, homeschooling forum for our local group. We plan field trips, holiday parties, and have a Co-op. We also meet weekly for park days

HomeSchool ETCetera Edit Remove More
P.O. Box 104, Wylie, TX 75098
Contact: Katonga Thurmon or Alice Allen
Phone: (214) 431-9119
Email: homeschooletc@yahoo.com, k-thurmon@hotmail.com
We are a Christian homeschooling resource support group that inform, advise, and encourage parents who are new to homeschooling or thinking about homeschooling. We currently serve the Dallas County areas.

Homeschool Victoria Edit Remove More
Serving families in Victoria and surrounding counties
Contact: Rebecca Atherton
Phone: (361) 573-7741
Email: rebeccawow@sbcglobal.net
An inclusive network sharing creative ideas, knowledge of educational and community events, personal support and social opportunities with all homeschooling families who ‘live and learn together’ in Victoria and surrounding counties - Lavaca, Jackson, Wharton, Matagorda, Calhoun, Aransas, Refugio, Goliad, Dewitt, and Karnes.

HomeschoolBFF Edit Remove
Greater Houston, TX area
Contact: Tauleece Thomas
Phone: (301) 910-9295
Email: homeschoolbff@yahoo.com
We are a multicultural home education group seeking to fellowship with like minded families; we welcome African-American, Asian, Hispanic, Native American, and Jewish familes, single parents, and Anglos with adopted minority children. For the socialization of our children we feel it is imperative to come together face-to-face, so this is both an online and in-person support/share group. Read more...

Homeschoolers EXCEL Edit Remove
Serving all areas of the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex
Contact: Business Committee
Email: coop@homeschoolersexcel.com
Homeschoolers EXCEL is a secular, inclusive support group for homeschoolers seeking cooperative educational and social opportunities. We have members from all over the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex. We get together for field trips, co-op classes, parties, park days and lots of fun! Our members have access to the 'Members' section of our website and all events. Our membership fee is $20 a year. Read more...

Homeschoolers Hearts & Hugs Edit Remove More
Based in Dallas-Fort Worth
Contact: Kristi
Email: txheartsandhugs@aol.com
Our group offers field trips, volunteer projects, and social events. In addition to our activities we offer mentoring to prospective and/or new homeschooling families. Members also have access to our Yahoo E-Loop where members can ask questions and discuss issues, and are kept up-to-date on area events that may be of interest.

Homeschoolers Unlimited Texas (HUT) Edit Remove
Serving Corpus Christi, Texas and surrounding areas
Contact: Margaret Bailon-Labednick
Email: homeschoolersunlimitedtexas@yahoo.com
A resource/support network for those currently homeschooling or planning to homeschool. We gather together to play, network, encourage, and learn. Membership is free and open to families of all backgrounds and philosophies who seek opportunities for positive socialization. Members are encouraged to organize and participate in group activities; parents are required to monitor the behavior of their children during group events and provide guidance and direction as needed. Read more...

Homeschooling in the Hills Edit Remove More
134 Camp Meeting Rd. Kerrville, TX 78028
Contact: Jennifer
Phone: (830) 928-1543
Email: homeschoolinginthehills@gmail.com
HHC is a relaxed, inclusive homeschool co-op and community serving the Texas Hill Country and meeting once a week in Kerrville, Texas. We aim to include all homeschoolers and homeschooling families, regardless of religious affiliation. Our semester fees are no more than $25 per family and we offer co-op classes (3 hours a week), homeschool support, and field trips.

Homeschooling Organization of South Texas (HOST) Edit Remove
P.O. Box 271211, Corpus Christi, TX 78427
Email: info@cchomeschool.com
HOST is a support group for Corpus Christi and its surrounding areas. For an annual fee, we provide many opportunities for social and academic development including, but not limited to: monthly field trips, speech and debate club, drama classes, theatrical productions, geography, biography, fine arts, and science fairs, spelling bees, dance classes, family and teen dances, park days, member meetings, Mom's nights out, graduation for seniors, holiday parties, and more. Through a newsletter, email loops, and a Facebook page we offer information that we think can be helpful to homeschoolers in general. Read more...

Homewood Christian Association Edit Remove More
The Woodlands, Texas - North of Houston
Email: infohomewood@gmail.com
We are a Christian home school support group located in The Woodlands, Texas. We require agreement with our Statement of Faith and a commitment of service from each family in our membership. Please visit our Web site for more information.

Hood County Homeschoolers Edit Remove
Serving Hood County, Texas and the surrounding areas
Contact: Kim Clover-Engle
Phone: (817) 925-6296
Email: hoodcountyhomeschoolers@gmail.com, Hood-County-Homeschoolers-owner@yahoogroups.com
Welcoming faith-based & secular homeschoolers alike, this is an all-inclusive group. We get together for field trips, play dates, to talk to one another about the day-to-day issues & experiences of homeschooling that we all share. The main focus of this group is supporting each other in our effort to provide a personalized education for our children. Read more...

ICARE - Independent Christian Association of Responsible Educators Edit Remove More
Spring, TX
Contact: Gaynor Taylor or Gayle Bogs
Phone: 281-374-0864 or 832-326-3808
Email: icarehomeschoolers@gmail.com
ICARE is a group to support each other and provide information to help us homeschool our children. We provide many opportunities, such as park days, field trips, parties, etc., to gather our children together with other like-minded families in wholesome, Christian environments for the purpose of enjoyment and learning. ICARE’s membership fee is $25.

Institute for Accelerated Learning Edit Remove More
121 Mountain Way Drive, Kerrville, TX 78028
Contact: Dr. Miles Jones or Michelle Jones
Phone: (817) 718-8822 or (214) 546-7893
Email: milesjns@yahoo.com, chris@jonesgeniuses.com
IAL provides accelerated learning classes in Super-Math, reading, and languages at various locations. Children learn to do advanced mathematical calculation faster than math professors armed with calculators. Speed reading and memory training are also offered.

Jars of Clay Education Station Co-Op Edit Remove
Commerce, Texas
Contact: Jodi Calkins
Phone: (903) 268-6007
Email: joceducationstation@yahoo.com
Spring of 2012 we will be offering specialty classes for homeschool kids! Our lineup will also include field trips, extracurricular projects and events, as well as hands-on activities. Read more...

Katy Association of Christian Homeschoolers (KACH) Edit Remove
Katy, Texas and surrounding areas
Email: kach-owner@yahoogroups.com, kachboard@yahoo.com
KACH is a Christian Homeschool group that reaches beyond Katy into the surrounding areas. The cost for 2012-2013 is $20 per year per family. To join KACH, each family is required to sign a Statement of Faith. KACH has many small group activties each month as well as field trips through-out the year. (Some small groups charge additional fees.) Read more...

Learning Adventures of Fort Bend (LAF) Edit Remove More
Serving Fort Bend county, including Sugar Land, Missouri City, Richmond, Rosenberg, and surrounding Houston areas
Email: learningadventuresfb@yahoo.com
LAF is a member-led, inclusive support network of homeschool parents sharing their talents and energies in a co-operative environment. LAF meets regularly for the purpose of providing fun and creative activities for our children.

Love of Learning Enrichment Edit Remove More
888 Henry Snow Road Collinsville, TX 76233
Contact: Kandice Hall
Email: loveoflearningcoop@gmail.com
Love of Learning Cooperative is comprised of conservative, Christian homeschooling families that meet every Wednesday, for 10-weeks, each fall and spring in Whitesboro, Texas. Even though we are centered in Whitesboro, we serve families in the Texoma region, Grayson and Cooke counties, and parts of Southern Oklahoma. Classes are taught from a Christian perspective, but without denominational doctrine. We gather together to support and educate homeschool families. If you would like more information, please contact the co-op through our email address.

Lubbock Homeschool Network Edit Remove More
Serving Lubbock and surrounding communities
Contact: Cheryl Bateman or Amy Jones
Phone: (806) 470-8246 or (806) 787-3568
Email: lubbockhomeschool@gmail.com
Our group is a gateway to the Lubbock Homeschool Community. We can connect you with various groups, clubs, classes and co-ops in the area. We are a free group that primarily connects through Facebook. This is a very inclusive group, though we have connections to groups both Christian and secular.

McKinney Area Christian Homeschoolers (MARCH) Edit Remove More
P.O. Box 2825, McKinney, TX 75070
Phone: (972) 354-5236
Email: president@marchgroup.org
MArCH is a volunteer, non-profit homeschool organization, serving McKinney and the surrounding North Texas communities, where our first priorities are to glorify God and pursue godly character. MArCH provides support meetings, newsletters, fall and spring co-op classes, clubs, field trips, activities, homeschool resources, fellowship, ministry opportunities, and venues for your children to present their accomplishments.

McLennan County (Waco) Home Learners Edit Remove More
Serving Waco, Texas
Email: mchl-owner@yahoogroups.com
We are an inclusive homeschool group open to anyone in the Waco area.

Mesquite Christian Home School Association Edit Remove More
920 Remington Trail, Mesquite, TX 75181
Contact: Dennis and Karen Kaptain
Phone: (972) 222-6020
Email: president@mchsa.org
Your answer to the "socialization" issue. Lots of field trips and activities for all ages. Mom's night out, Dad's night out, teen nights, potluck game night, teen activities, crafts, smaller children gatherings, science club, co-op. history club, high school book club and more. Open to Mesquite residents as well as surrounding areas.

Mid and Lower RGV Happy Homeschoolers Edit Remove More
Rio Grande Valley, TX
Contact: Hugh Barlow
Phone: (956) 365-4052
Email: Form / Contact Page
We are a laid-back, friendly group of homeschooler in South Texas, who have regular park days and other get-togethers for our children. We do not charge any fees or have any service requirements. We are invite both religious and secular families to join us! Find us on Yahoo Groups!

Mid-County Christian Homeschool Edit Remove More
Nederland, Texas
Contact: Rhonda Best
Phone: (409) 728-1400 or (409) 735-7970
Email: midcountycoop@gmail.com
We are a ministry of Hillcrest Baptist Church in Nederland, TX. The Co-op is a parent-led organization in which homeschoolers in the mid-county area meet to jointly educate their children. We meet on Mondays during the school year at Hillcrest Baptist Church. Classes are separated into age groups and are taught by parents. Fees are paid yearly.

Midland Association of Christian Home Educators (MACHE) Edit Remove More
3001 W. Loop 250 N. Suite C-105 - PMB 281 Midland, TX 79705
Contact: Chairman or Secretary
Phone: 405-245-3558 or 432-853-8838
Email: Form / Contact Page
MACHE is composed of families who volunteer to serve one another by coordinating activities, suggesting ideas, and providing encouragement and support. We serve Christian families in Midland, Odessa, Stanton, and the surrounding area. Members must agree with and sign the Bylaws and Statement of Faith, and pay a yearly membership fee.

MidTex Inclusive Homeschoolers Edit Remove More
Serving Bell County
Contact: Allison Wilson or Lara Via
Phone: 254-383-0169
We include all families regardless of beliefs or homeschooling styles. Most of our activities take place in the central Texas area of Temple, Belton, Harker Heights, and Killeen. We have online support, chat, and resources as well.

Nacogdoches Area Christian Home Educators' Association (NACHEA) Edit Remove
Nacogdoches County and the surrounding area
Email: info@nachea.org
NACHEA exists to support and encourage parents educating their children at home. We strive to provide opportunities for like-minded home schooling families to meet and develop relationships. We have a board that runs the day-to-day operations of the group and collect yearly dues. Read more...

New Beginnings Edit Remove
Locations in Dallas East, Gulf Coast-Webster, and The Woodlands.
Contact: Tina Robertson or Kelley Williams
Phone: (832) 754-7927 or (281) 354-0881
Email: newbinfo@yahoo.com
New Beginnings is a program, a curriculum that you go through in a year for new and struggling homeschoolers. Seasoned veterans hold you by the hand in your first or even second year of homeschooling. Support group meetings are held once a month throughout various locations in Texas. If you do not live near a location, attendance can be via webinars. Membership fee is annual. Read more...

New Life Baptist Church Edit Remove
2676 North Fm 2980 Yorktown, TX 78164
Contact: Dene Taylor
Phone: (210) 995-2768
Email: dene80@yahoo.com
Our mission is to provide opportunities for encouraging homeschool families in the endeavor of faithful Christian training and education of their children in the Yorktown and surrounding areas through the union of like-minded families. Read more...

North Irving Christian Home Educators (NICHE) Edit Remove
Irving, TX and the greater D/FW area.
Email: board@texasniche.com
We are an inter-denominational Christian group, offering support, social activities, field trips and academic encouragement to each other. We meet at Irving Bible Church on the second Monday of each month, starting in August and ending in May. Yearly membership is $22 per family. Read more...

North Texas Enrichment Classes for Homeschoolers (N-Tech) Edit Remove More
Collin County
Email: director@n-tech.org
Founded in 1999, N-Tech is a homeschool co-op offering academic enrichment to homeschool families throughout Collin County and beyond. We are a 100% volunteer organization that meets on Mondays in the fall and spring at Greenville Oaks Church of Christ in Allen, TX. Please visit our website for more information or to schedule a visit to see if N-Tech might be the group for you.

Northwoods Edit Remove More
Serving The Woodlands, Magnolia, and Spring areas.
Email: northwoods.info@gmail.com
Just starting the Fall of 2011, we are a new, very informal social group for children and teens who are home schooled or for anyone wanting to make new friends! Weekly activities, park days, field trips, holiday parties, and more!

Parent and Child Educational Services (PACES) Edit Remove More
12345 Lake Vista Dr, Willis, TX 77318
Contact: Johnnie K. Seago
Email: webmaster@pacesinfo.org
We are a one/two day per week classical school for home school families. Students come to our campus (in local churches) and take Bible, Latin, Logic, Rhetoric, Literature, Humanities, History, Science, Spanish, Geometry and Algebra. They leave and complete weekly assignments at home with Mom and Dad.

Plano Area Texas Homeschoolers Co-op (PATH) Edit Remove More
Based in Plano, Texas
Contact: Lori Duncan
Phone: (972) 517-2174
Email: dbsparks@swbell.net
A Christian Co-op offering a balance of academic and enrichment classes for 0 through 12th grade. We meet on Mondays at Prairie Creek Baptist Church on 15th Street in Plano, between Coit and Independence.

Plano Educators Association of Christian Homeschoolers (PEACH) Edit Remove More
P.O. Box 260565, Plano, TX 75026
Phone: (972) 390-0773
Email: info@peachonline.org
A volunteer, non-profit organization committed to ministering to home schoolers in Plano, Texas and the surrounding areas. We hold bi-monthly meetings from August through May each year. PEACH members enjoy field trips, a mentoring program, various clubs, regularly scheduled events, service opportunities, etc.

Richardson Home School Association Edit Remove More
P.O. Box 6097, Richardson, Texas 75083
Phone: (972) 238-0700
Email: voicemail@rhsa.org, http://www.rhsa.org/contact_main.asp
A volunteer, non-profit organization that offers monthly meetings, field trip opportunities, a teaching co-operative, and Boy Scout troop, arranges monthly highschool activities, and has a graduation ceremony for member families.

Rockwall Christian Academy Edit Remove More
P.O. Box 880, Rockwall, TX 75087
Contact: Marilyn Lane
Phone: (214) 771-6314

Round Rock Home Educators Offering Moms Encouragement (RRHome) Edit Remove
Round Rock, TX
Contact: Tracy Dear
Email: rrhomeleadership@gmail.com, http://www.homeschoolinginroundrock.net/contact/
Our mission is to provide Christian-based support for homeschooling families in the Round Rock area. The group offers monthly meetings, weekly playdates, clubs and special parties and more. There is a nominal annual fee. Read more...

San Angelo Christian Homeschool Association Edit Remove
P.O. Box 62142, San Angelo, TX 76906
Email: sachsa@sachsa.org, http://www.sachsa.org/index.php?option=com_contact&view=contact&id=9&itemid=84
We are a support system for homeschoolers. We provide activities which edify and assist parents in teaching their children, such as meetings, workshops, and moms' fellowship opportunities; activities which allow parents and children to enjoy friendships with other home schooling families, such as park days and skate days; group educational opportunities,such as field trips and spelling bees; basic information (but not legal advice) on legal concerns. Read more...

San Angelo Inclusive Homeschoolers Edit Remove
Serving San Angelo, TX and surrounding areas
Contact: Jennifer
Email: jenpenny5297@yahoo.com
All homeschoolers are welcome to join us for park days and field trips. This is a brand-new group, so jump in and join the fun! Read more...

San Antonio Christian Homeschoolers (SACH) Edit Remove More
Covers ALL of San Antonio and surrounding areas.
Contact: Brandy Nicholson
Email: sachinfo@mail.com
We offer support, resources, educational activities, and encouragement to Christian homeschooling families for all San Antonio and surrounding areas. Members enjoy: Park days, Funschool co-op, moms fellowship, field trips, family fellowships, newsletter, teen club, lending library, membership directory, THSC & HSLDA membership discounts, quarterly support meetings, and more! There is a statement of faith and by-laws agreement and member dues of $25/yr per family.

San Antonio Home Education Edit Remove More
12307 Hart Ranch, San Antonio, TX 78249
Contact: Michelle Kretzschmar
Email: contact@homeedsa.com
Homeschooling curriculum and resources for home schoolers in the San Antonio area. Information on how to home school in Texas. Listing of area home school events and homeschooling support groups.

San Antonio Home Education Resources and Opportunities (HERO) Edit Remove More
12307 Hart Ranch, San Antonio, TX
Contact: Michelle Kretzschmar
Phone: (210) 587-2407
Email: contact@sahero.org
HERO is an inclusive organization open to any San Antonio area homeschooling family. We offer band, lego robotics, PSIA, and Odyssey of the Mind; we sponsor the Geography Bee at no cost to participants; we offer a yearly convention and free homeschool information sessions and dinners with guest speakers; and we publish a directory of homeschool support groups and resources.

Singing Women of Texas Southeast - Greater Houston Christian Choir Edit Remove
Greater Houston Area
Contact: Bari Brumfield
Email: listing@singandrejoice.com
We love homeschoolers! The Singing Women of Texas Southeast is a Singing Women of Texas chapter for the Houston area. This group has a $35 administration fee and uniform fee. No monthly fees or tuitions. junior high, high school, college girls and women of all ages can join. There is an audition process and a statement of faith must be signed. Singing Women of Texas is sponsored by Texas Baptists. The choir meets monthly on Sat or Sun, but not in the summer or in December. There are occasional tours and trips with other chapters around the state. We sing many hymns, gospel songs and inspirational selections. Visit our website and find a chapter near you - or better yet - come to a concert and meet us in person. Go to www.singingwomen.com/events to see our performance schedule. Read more...

Smoothing The Way Edit Remove More
P. O. Box 56, Bastrop, TX 78602
Contact: Melody Gillum
Phone: (512) 639-9341
Email: info@smoothingtheway.com
A support group dedicated to assisting new homeschoolers for the first year through information and fellowship in the homeschool community. Company is based in Texas but is expanding nationwide.

Sociable Homeschoolers of San Antonio (SHSA) Edit Remove
Areas in and around San Antonio, Texas
Contact: Kei Denevan
Phone: (830)285-2600
Email: sanantoniosociablehomeschoolers@outlook.com
SHSA is a supportive co-op group for all homeschoolers! Everyone is welcome! All types, sizes, and faiths; nothing is judged or forced upon. Enthusiasm required! Read more...

Sonlight Christian Enrichment Classes Edit Remove More
Watauga, Keller, NRH, NFW, and surrounding areas.
Email: info@sonlightcoop.org
The purpose of SCEC is to provide enrichment classes for Christian home schooling families in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area in order to supplement their own schools. Such classes are parent taught and one parent must be present at the facility at all times that their children are attending classes. You will find everything from gym games and art classes to history, science, and more. Some classes may also include out-of-class assignments, field trips, and end-of-semester programs.

South East Texas Coastal Homeschool Association Edit Remove
929 Nichols, Bay City, TX 77414
Contact: Mary Beth Elmakiss
Phone: (903) 352-8626
Email: mbelmakiss@yahoo.com
We're a new, all-inclusive, and free homeschool support group. Our members hold monthly meetings, park days, field trips and social events in which we share support and information pertaining to the growth of our families. The age group at the present time is 6th-12th grade. You may join at any time during the year. Read more...

Spindletop Christian Homeschool Association (SCHA) Edit Remove More
Based in Beaumont, TX 77706
Contact: Jennifer Shepherd
Phone: (409) 896-5990
Email: mommashepherd@gt.rr.com
A Christian group supporting homeschoolers in the Beaumont area.

Sports Association of Texas Christian Homeschoolers (SATCH) Edit Remove More
2315 Carriage Run, East Conroe, TX 77384
Contact: Yvette Schenck or Tammy Markgraf
Phone: (936) 648-4823 or (281) 615-4678
Fax: (832) 218-0805
Email: yvette@satchbasketball.com
SATCH provides sports oppotunities to Houston area homeschoolers. We are located in the Spring/ The Woodlands area and currently have golf, volleyball and basketball sports. SATCH offers free camps and training with open gyms in August and September.

St. Michael Homeschoolers Edit Remove More
Sugar Land, TX
Contact: Dorian Speed
Phone: 3616762242
Email: stmichaelhomeschoolers@gmail.com
St. Michael Homeschool Group is an informal association of Catholic homeschoolers in Fort Bend County, Texas. We meet regularly to provide spiritual, educational, and social events for our members. Families in our group live in Sugar Land, Missouri City, Stafford, Richmond, Rosenberg, Fulshear, Katy, and other parts of Fort Bend County. We do not have mandatory dues but do suggest that members contribute towards the administrative expenses of some of our events.

STAR Speech & Debate Club Edit Remove More
Denton, TX
Email: tetsch(at)juno(dot)com
STAR is a Christian competitive speech and debate club for homeschooled students. The mission of our club is to raise up Christian leaders who can articulate their values to an unbelieving world.

Supporting Homeschoolers In the Northeast (SHINE) Homeschool Edit Remove More
Serving NE San Antonio and surrounding areas, including Schertz, Garden Ridge, Cibolo, Universal City
Email: info.shinehomeschool@gmail.com
We are a Christian, volunteer-run homeschool support group offering meetings, field trips, newsletter, book club / book sales, co-op, standardized testing, yearbook, symphony, Mom's Night Out, Teen Time, and more!

Texas Alliance Christian Athletes Basketball Edit Remove More
2129 N. Josey Lane Carrollton, TX 75006
Contact: Chemille Benton or Mekeisha Steele
Phone: (214) 670-0949 or (972) 230-1838
Email: tacastormbasketball@gmail.com
A newly organized basketball organization field boys and girls team
10u, 12u, 14u, 16u, and 18u
Try outs are Thursday, August 25, 2016 from 6:30-8:30
Harry Stone Recreation Center
2403 Millmar Drive
Dallas, TX 75228

Practices begin in September, 2016
Mondays and Wednesday
12:30 - 2:30
(except holidays)
Harry Stone Recreation Center
2403 Millmar Drive
Dallas,Texas 75228

Texas Education Achieved in Christian Homes (TEACH) Edit Remove More
Serving Jacksboro, TX
Contact: Juanita Pyle
Phone: (940) 507-0791
Email: ejejvcsbbs@yahoo.com
We are a small community with a big heart for homeschooling. Free membership. Co-op covering Science, History and Music. Information and support for new homeschoolers.

Texas HOME Educators Edit Remove More
Hardin County
Contact: Susan Reed
Phone: 409-504-8135
Email: susanmreed22@yahoo.com
THE offers a Homeschool Bowling League, Service Scouts, monthly field trips, a Summer Social, a September Summit, and THE Book Nook!

Texoma Composite Squadron - Civil Air Patrol Edit Remove More
4331 Airport Drive, Denison, TX 75020 (covering Grayson/Fannin/Cooke counties)
Contact: Lt. Col. Jeff Harrell or Squadron Building
Phone: (903) 815-4409 or (903) 786-6227
Email: info@captexoma.org
Civil Air Patrol offers a Cadet Program for youth ages 12-18 that provides opportunities to develop leadership skills, assume increasing levels of responsibility, explore aerospace careers, and help them realize more of their potential. Texoma Composite Squadron meets every Monday evening (except holidays) at 6:30pm at our squadron building located at the North Texas Regional Airport in Denison. Visitors are always welcome!

The Next Generation of Homeschoolers (TNG) A Homeschool Cooperative Edit Remove
Serving the Del Rio and Laughlin Air Force Base, TX area
Email: thenextgeneration2010@gmail.com
A cooperative of parents who desire to teach their children at home. Being a Christian is not a requirement for membership, but Christian principles will be adhered to. We meet every other Friday from Sept to May for holiday parties, field trips, service projects and classes. Fees are per semester per participating child. Parents are required to stay on site at the planned activity with their child(ren). Read more...

The Woodlands Home School Choir Edit Remove
Budde Rd at Sawdust near I-45, The Woodlands, TX 25275 Budde Rd. Ste 25, The Woodlands, TX 77380
Contact: Bari Brumfield
Email: homeschoolworld@singandrejoice.com
Missing music for your Homeschool? This home school choir is for ages seven years or older. This unique performing group combines music education with ministry. Sight-reading skills, good vocal production, music appreciation, and expressive delivery are all taught. TWHSC also utilizes gifted student instrumentalists by featuring them on some of the choral selections with the choir. Rehearsals are Wednesday afternoons weekly from September through April. TWHSC is kept affordable for everyone and scholarships may be available. Read more...

TOPS (Texas & Oklahoma Panhandles) Homeschool Community Edit Remove More
Perryton, TX
Contact: Nicole Huddleston
Email: tops@topshc.com
We are a Homeschool Community based primarily in and around Perryton, Texas, but we support families throughout both the Texas & Oklahoma panhandles. Our focus revolves around three central things: 1. Reaching out to new homeschooling families - be they new to the area or new to homeschooling; 2. Being a support for our current homeschool families in the area; and 3. Being the hands and feet of Christ for families in difficult times.
We host semi-regular events and lots of not-so-regular events & field trips; we also have a co-op group that allows students to take part in classes that may be a once a month lab to a regular weekly course.

Tri County Christian Home Educators Edit Remove More
Serving Freestone, Limestone, and Leon counties, TX
Contact: Annie Melasky or Penny Burkeen
Phone: (254) 729-2482 or (903) 390-1040
Email: info@tcchea.com
TCCHEA is a non-profit Christian home school support group organized to promote and encourage families in their efforts to home educate their children. Our group is completely supported by parent volunteers, and past activities have included Mom's Night Out, Support Meetings, Science/History Fair, Field Trips, Park Days, Service Projects, and more!

Trinity Homeschool Enrichment Edit Remove More
Hunt County, TX
Email: info@trinityhomeschool.org
We offer low-cost, enrichment classes taught by parent volunteers for students in 1st-12th grade. Birth-kindergarten may attend if an older sibling enrolls.

TX-ChristianHmschool · Homeschooling Help Here for Texans Edit Remove
Based in Galveston County, TX
Contact: Mary Baker
Phone: (936) 327-9897
Email: no1friend@yahoo.com, tx-christianhmschool-owner@yahoogroups.com
This Christian-oriented list was set up for Texas homeschoolers, especially those in Southeast (Houston-Galveston) Texas, to share their homeschool activities, advice, concerns, discussions, encouragement, experiences, ideas, information, links, resources, suggestions, and support. Read more...

Tyler Area Christian Home Educators (TACHE) Edit Remove More
P.O. Box 132144, Tyler, TX 75713-2144
Email: tache.info@tachetexas.org
TACHE coordinates activities of interest to its membership. We have skating, bowling, soccer, Moms' Night Out (dinner and a speaker), newsletter, history co-op, field trips, Recognition Night, Graduation, etc. There are also class activities (i.e. sophomores, seniors). Members are asked to agree to basic Christian beliefs and behaviors. Read more...

Tyler HEAT (Home Education Athletics of Tyler) Edit Remove More
Surrounding areas of Tyler, TX
Contact: Bill Beggs
Phone: (903) 769-6871
Email: tylerheat@gmail.com
Our purpose is to glorify God through providing Christian Home School families the opportunity to participate in organized competitive sports at the Middle School and High School Level.

We offer 6 man tackle football for 6th-12th grades, girls and boys cross country, track, basketball and girls volleyball.

Veritas Speech & Debate Club Edit Remove
Dallas-Fort Worth area
Contact: Donna
Phone: (817) 229-7256
Email: donna_burton@blue-skies.net
A Christian club that meets weekly during the school year to prepare students for speech/debate competition. Through competition in the National Christian Forensics Communication Association (NCFCA), Veritas Speech/Debate club helps students develop solid thinking skills, examine why they believe what they believe, and learn to locate the values/worldview and assumptions behind positions expressed by others. Read more...

Vista Hills Homeschool Ministry Edit Remove
3319 Limerick, El Paso, Texas 79925
Contact: Deb Roennebeck
Phone: (915) 593-7241
Email: deb@vhhomeschool.com
We are open to anyone who wants to join. We love and support one another in ways that a regular Support Group would not. We have a curriculum lending library, have classes, field trips, dances, and pass on whatever information the moms think will be of interest to the other moms. And we do it all for free. We are over 200 families strong and have folks as far as Korea and England. We meet with new homeschoolers personally and educate them on how to get started as well as giving biblical parenting help. Read more...

Weatherford Express Edit Remove More
Parker County and surrounding Area
Contact: Jim Horton
Phone: 817.565.3135
Email: chairman@weatherfordexpress.com
Established in 1996 and located in Weatherford, Texas, Weatherford
Express is a Christian-based, not-for-profit organization that provides home schooled students the opportunity to participate in team sports. We currently offer 6-Man Football, Football Spirit Team, Volleyball, and Basketball. Teams are known as “Weatherford Express” and each team enjoys a variety of competitive levels with local home school groups, private and public school programs.

West and East El Paso Homeschooling Together (WEHST) Edit Remove More
El Paso
Contact: Amissa Burton
Phone: (915) 449-8877
Email: oneworldyoga@yahoo.com, WEHST-owner@yahoogroups.com
Inclusive, non-discriminating group focused on activities for the home educated child in and around El Paso, Texas. Weekly park days, field trips and co-op opportunities.

West Fort Worth Homeschoolers Edit Remove More
PO Box 33611 Fort Worth, TX 76162
Contact: Gina McGee
Phone: 817-986-9896
Email: gina@wfwh.us
West Fort Worth Homeschoolers was founded in 2011 to support the homeschooling communities of Benbrook and South West Fort Worth. In a few short years, it has grown in to quite a large support system.

We provide 1-3 social gatherings a week with local homeschoolers, 1-2 large trips opportunities a year, camping outings, and a safe place for discussions.

White Rock Homeschoolers Edit Remove More
East Dallas
Contact: Jennifer Collier
Phone: (214) 926-8666
Email: jwcollier06@gmail.com
This is a social group that meets bi-weekly for field trips and nature studies.

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