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Idaho Homeschool Groups

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homeschool support groups in ID
Homeschool Idaho Edit Remove More
PO Box 45062, Boise, ID 83711-5062
Email: info@homeschoolidaho.org
Homeschool Idaho exists to inspire parents to educate their children at home, to promote parent-led, family-funded, relationship-based home education, and to preserve homeschool freedom. We are a non-profit organization committed to encouraging families who choose to homeschool. Join us for our annual statewide homeschool convention, and subscribe to our quarterly Homeschool Idaho magazine!

Idaho Coalition of Home Educators Edit Remove More
P.O. Box 878, Eagle, ID 83616
Email: listkeeper@iche-idaho.org

Coeur d'Alene (CdA) Homeschool Network Edit Remove
Coeur d'Alene, ID
Email: cda_homeschool_network-owner@yahoogroups.com
We are an online network of local homeschool groups and individual homeschooling mothers who live in North Idaho. We are open to mothers who are currently homeschooling, as well as mothers who are interested in or considering homeschooling. The network is for homeschool information sharing. It not have any affiliation with any specific homeschooling style, approach, or educational philosophy. Read more...

Homescholars Academy Co-op Edit Remove More
Contact: Amber Heer
Phone: 208-269-0421 or 2082690421
Email: blackfoothomescholars@gmail.com
Homeschool cop for families in Blackfoot and surrounding areas. We also provide information about local homeschool activities, like swimming, skating, curriculum sales/swaps, and playdates.

Idaho Homeschooling Consortium Edit Remove More
Boise, Meridian, Nampa, Kuna
Contact: Tanya McBride or Daiv McBride
Email: idahohsc@gmail.com
This group is a secular, non-partisan group for homeschooling families that want to connect with other homeschooling families to ask questions, share ideas and events.

Inland Northwest Christian Homeschoolers Edit Remove More
Coeur d'Alene and surrounding areas
Contact: Gretchen Winde
Phone: (208) 772-6969
Email: coordinator@inchhome.com
Inland Northwest Christian Homeschoolers is a co-op for students from kindergarden to 12th grade, where volunteer parents teach all the classes, in subjects that are of interest to them. Our purpose is to provide a safe and encouraging evangelical Christian environment for everyone, and encourage each family in their homeschooling journey, through mutual education and fellowship. $65/trimester/family fee covers insurance and facility rental. Read more...

Lake View Home School Association Edit Remove More
P.O. Box 7, Hope, ID 83836
Contact: Larry Nelson
Phone: (208) 264-5212

NATHHAN Edit Remove More
P.O. Box 39, Porthill, ID 83853
Phone: (208) 267-6246
Email: nathanews@aol.com
NATional cHallenged Homeschoolers Associated Network. Newsletter and other resources for families with children who have special developmental or physical needs.

North Idaho Home Educators Association (NIHEA) Edit Remove More
P.O. Box 2885, Hayden, ID 83835-2885
Email: niheawebmaster@gmail.com
NIHEA is a Christian support group for home school families in beautiful Coeur D'Alene Idaho and the surrounding areas. NIHEA offers monthly support/skate meetings, a monthly newsletter, political alerts, and many other educational and fun activities. Small groups meet for activities such as field trips, special events, mom’s encouragement club, etc. An extensive library of home school supplies, books, and materials are also available to members.

North Idaho Panhandle Homeschooling Community (NIPHC) Edit Remove
North Idaho Panhandle
Email: niphc4u@gmail.com
We are an informal group of parents/individuals recruiting volunteers to help grow and support our homeschooling community. Volunteers can be parents/individuals who would like to share their talents by providing an activity, lesson, and/or project. Volunteers cover their cost in supplies, if needed, and homeschooling parents are responsible for any supplies needed to attend the activity, lesson, and/or project. Read more...

Port Cities Home Educators Edit Remove More
Serving Lewiston, ID; Clarkston, WA; and surrounding areas.
Email: pche@pche.net
Blog/News updates, park days, field trips, co-op classes, statewide and local graduation ceremonies, and more!

SEIHoC Edit Remove More
Southeast Idaho Area
Contact: Trisha Randall
Email: trisharandall@gmail.com
SEIHoC welcomes all families choosing to homeschool. Membership is not based upon, nor determined by, any other prerequisite. This means SEIHoC will be comprised of families with differing educational, political, and religious preferences. We believe this will bring strength to our group as we strive to train our children to respect the differences in others.

Supporting & Encouraging Local Area Homeschoolers (SELAH) Idaho Edit Remove More
Supporting Ada and Canyon County homeschool families
Contact: Angela Snodgrass
Phone: (208) 871-5944
Email: selahidaho@yahoo.com
We exist to support, encourage and connect families on their homeschooling journey. We offer opportunities for families to build lasting friendships while enhancing their homeschooling experience.

Twin Falls Homeschoolers & Unschoolers Edit Remove
Twin Falls, ID 83301
Contact: Wendy Koffer
Email: wendykoffer@gmail.com
Online group for local families to connect, get support, meet-up & share resources. Read more...

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