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Canada Homeschool Groups

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homeschool support groups in canada
Association chrétienne de parents-éducateurs du Québec / Association of Christian Parent-Educator Edit Remove More
C.P. 8500, succ. Sainte-Foy, Québec G1V 4N5
Phone: (418) 948-4046 or (514) 312-2642
Email: acpeq@acpeq.org

British Columbia Home Educators' Association (BCHEA) Edit Remove More
446 Community Road Sayward, British Columbia, V0P 1R0 V0P 1R0
Phone: (866) 444-2299
Email: info@bchea.ca
A registered, inclusive, non-profit society that has been supporting home educators since 1988. We act as an advocate for Sections 12/13, registered home educators and as a liaison and lobby group between the home educators of BC and the government.

Calgary Homeschool Activities Edit Remove More
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Contact: Theresa KB
Email: calgary-hsactivities-owner@yahoogroups.com
This group facilitates the organization and coordination of homeschool activities, get-togethers, playdates and field trips in the Calgary area. Members volunteer to organize public field trips and activities for the benefit of other members.

Canada's Homeschool Directory & Magazine Edit Remove More
918 - 16 Avenue NW, Suite 511
Phone: (403) 686-4205
Email: info@educationgroup.ca
Est. 2004, Canada's Homeschool, formerly the Homeschooler's Guide, has been connecting families with the best in home education and alternative learning for over 10 years. Its website is the only national directory of home education resources in Canada. Its magazine is available online for free, and includes articles, products, services, activities and events.

Cochrane Home educators Edit Remove More
Cochrane, Alberta
Contact: Linda Canty
Email: ssrll@calgaryit.com
We are a support group and we put on many activities throughout the year such as a Welcome Back BBQ, support group meetings, sports day just to name a few. We also run a gym program for ages 5-18 that runs from Oct through to May at our local sports complex for a very low price that covers just the cost of the gym and teachers. We are inclusive to all and are a volunteer-run group. To be a member and be a part of all that Cochrane Home Educators has to offer, there is a fee of $50 for the year.

Education Unlimited Edit Remove More
Box 4, Site 7, RR #2, Tofield, Alberta T0B 4J0
Contact: Léo Gaumont
Phone: (877) 662-3630
Fax: (780) 662-3634
Email: office@educationunlimited.ca

EMBRACE - Sarnia/Lambton Edit Remove More
Contact: Sheri Gauld
Email: sheri.gauld@loopspin.com
We are a diverse group of homeschool families in Lambton County, who gather for many activities including Lego club, gymnastics, games day, skating, meetings, coffee night, field trips and much more! Come out and join us!

Greater Vancouver Homelearning Network Edit Remove
Vancouver, Burnaby, Richmond, New Westminster, Tri-Cities, Surrey BC
Contact: Melissa Hodges
Phone: (604) 874-7716
Email: gvhl.support@gmail.com
This site has been developed as a virtual information centre for greater Vancouver home learners. We list support groups, events, ideas and resources and email lists for the homes learning community. All are welcome to join as we are a non-religious and all-inclusive group. Read more...

Hamilton Homeschool Association Edit Remove More
Based in Ancaster, ON
Contact: Pam Penny
Email: pam@penny.ca
A network of homeschooling families and support groups offering resources, activities, and information for homeschoolers residing in Hamilton Wentworth, Ancaster, Dundas, Flamborough Stoney Creek, Caledonia, Waterdown, and surrounding areas in Ontario.

Home Educators of New Brunswick (HENB) Edit Remove More
167 Mason Avenue, Fredericton, NB E3A 5T5
Contact: Carolee LeBlanc
Phone: (506) 472-6452
Email: 6leblanc@nbnet.nb.ca

Home School Legal Defence Association of Canada Edit Remove More
32B-980 Adelaide Street South, London, Ontario, N6E 1R3
Phone: (519) 913-0318
Fax: (519) 913-0321
Email: info@hslda.ca
Home School Legal Defence Association of Canada (HSLDA) defends and protects the rights and freedoms of families across Canada in their right to home school their children.

Manitoba Association of Christian Home Schools Edit Remove More
Box 283, St. Vital Postal Station, Winnipeg, MB R2N 3X9
Email: info@machs.mb.ca

Ontario Christian Home Educators Connection (OCHEC) Edit Remove More
Box 2, Iona Station, ON N0L 1P0
Phone: (519) 764-2841

Ontario Federation of Teaching Parents (OFTP) Edit Remove More
Serving Ontario
Phone: (416) 410-5218 or (800) 704-0448
Email: enquiries@ontariohomeschool.org
OFTP is an inclusive, non-profit group run by volunteers that provides information about home learning, enables networking among its members, and serves as an advocacy group and link between the homeschooling community and the provincial government.

Prince George Home Educators' Association (PGHEA) Edit Remove More
Prince George, BC
Email: info@pghea.com
A non-denominational, Christian group supporting all home educators in our area. We have monthly meetings, a member resource library, information packets, website and email list.

Saskatchewan Home Based Educators Inc. (SHBE) Edit Remove More
Box 8541, Saskatoon, SK S7K 6K6
Contact: Doug Schmuland
Phone: (306) 752-2033
Email: helpdesk@shbe.info

South Delta Home Learners (SDHL) Edit Remove
Greater Vancouver, BC
Contact: Courtnay Sommerfield
Phone: (604) 992-6985
Email: sdhl+subscribe@groups.io
Our group consists of about 80 families with children ranging in ages from newborn to 18. We are diverse in our philosophies, religions, and educational needs. We have monthly support meetings, organize group events such as gymnastics, swimming, skating, science fairs, field trips, biography fairs, etc, as well as more social events such as games evenings, skateboard park outings, beach explorations, choir, book clubs, etc. Membership is $10 annually. Read more...

TLC- Hamilton Homeschool and Burlington Homeschool Group Edit Remove More
Based in Hamilton, Ontario
Contact: Lisa
Email: tlc@thelearningcommunity-online.com
An inclusive organization of homeschool and unschooling families who come together on a regular basis to share our life and learning experiences. Primarily we are families who homeschool living in the Burlington, Hamilton, Waterdown, Dundas and Ancaster Region- but all homeschooling families are welcome.

Victoria Home Learning Network Edit Remove More
Serving the Greater Victoria area of Vancouver Island
A loosely formed membership of home learning families who want to connect with others.

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