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Montana Homeschool Groups

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homeschool support groups in MT
Montana Coalition of Home Educators Edit Remove More
P.O. Box 43, Gallatin Gateway, MT 59730
Email: mche.help@gmail.com
The Montana Coalition of Home Educators came together in 1988 as a cooperative effort of many individuals, organizations, and support groups in the state. The goal was to bring homeschoolers together to protect Montana's home school freedom while maintaining the independence and autonomy of the individual families and the existing local and state organizations. To accomplish this goal, a loose network of these groups, individuals and organizations was formed. An executive committee was selected to serve as a central clearinghouse for information, to set up and maintain a communication network, to watch for political and legal threats to Montana's freedom, and to inform homeschoolers and suggest possible actions to meet those threats.

5 Valleys Homeschool Co-Op Edit Remove More
PO Box 5955 Missoula, MT 59806
Email: info5valleys@gmail.com
We are a diverse group of families coming together with a common purpose... to have fun, make friends, and share ideas and advice. Five Valleys Homeschool Co-op is proud to offer many opportunities to accomplish this, including but not limited to:
Co-op exclusive field trips; Dances; Classes; Parties; Silverwood Reading Program; Used Curriculum Book sale; Geo-Bee / Science Fair; Yearbook; Monthly Newsletters; Member only Facebook page.

Cascade County Homeschoolers Edit Remove More
We serve Great Falls and surrounding areas in Cascade County.
Contact: Conny Mikulski
Phone: (406) 452-2030
Email: kds4_2grkds@yahoo.com
A place to network and help each other on our homeschooling journey. We are predominantly a Christian homeschool group, but we welcome families from all faith denominations and all walks of life. We exchange information, post services and activities of interest - field trips, ski trips, organized sports (MCAA), book sales, etc. - and meet to organize a yearly prom and official homeschool graduation. There is no membership fee, but specific activities may carry a participation fee.

EMBER Educational Co-op Edit Remove More
256 W Bowman Drive
Contact: Kara Baisden
Phone: 4062490909
Email: emberedcoop@gmail.com
We are a low cost home school group that offers enrichment classes one day per week. Our co-op is designed to enrich the home school experience of families within the Flathead Valley.

Flathead Homeschool Educators Association Edit Remove
F.H.E.A. P.O. Box 7661 Kalispell, MT 59904
Contact: Heidi Roedel or Martha Artyomenko
Phone: 406-756-0801 or 406-257-8127
Email: martyomenko@yahoo.com
Our main purpose is to encourage homeschooling.
Membership dues are $20 per year. (Aug-May) The dues include newsletter subscription to the Homeschool Herald and a membership card that can be used at local businesses to receive discounts.

The F.H.E.A. helps support lobbying for home education at the capital in Helena, spelling bees, geography bees, Model UN, choir, band, graduation, senior banquet, the Homeschool Herald, website … your $20.00, along with the help from many local homeschool friendly businesses who advertise with us, goes a long way. Read more...

Gallatin Christian Homeschool Co-op Edit Remove More
5550 Staffanson Rd Bozeman, MT 59718
Contact: Jenny Larson
Phone: (619) 208-3877
Email: gchcbozeman@gmail.com
GCHC exists to provide a morning each week of fellowship, friendship, and a cooperative learning experience for parents and kids alike. We consist of twenty-five to thirty Christian families who are investing their time and skills for the purpose of enhancing the educational activities of our children.

Helena Homeschoolers Edit Remove More
Helena, Montana and surrounding areas
Contact: Jennifer Hodgkiss
Phone: 512-934-4046
Email: Form / Contact Page
Helena Homeschoolers is a free, one-stop resource for homeschooling families in Helena, Montana, and surrounding areas. We invite you to join us at our many activities free of membership or attendance requirements! We have an active Facebook group and a website that is a great resource for Helena area families!

Jefferson Valley Homeschool Association Edit Remove More
P.O. Box 99, Whitehall, MT 59759
Contact: Steve or Tim
Phone: (406) 287-2146 or (406) 490-9103
Fax: (406) 287-2146
Email: steve@truthinliving.org
The Education Station is a multi-purpose building in the heart of town and is available for homeschool group activities as well as other family reformation functions. We maintain a resource library and host and/or facilitate classes and fieldtrips.

Mission Valley Home Educators Edit Remove
41570 Wilderness Way, Polson, MT 59860
Contact: John & Connie Doty
Email: missionvalleyhomeeducators@gmail.com
Mission Valley Home Educators meet the first Friday of every month for a family potluck dinner, followed by announcements, exchange of information, and usually a program or guest speaker. Those new to home schooling, "veterans," and anyone simply interested in educating their own children are all welcome! Christian-based, no membership fees. Read more...

Ravalli County Parent Educators Edit Remove More
655 6th Avenue, Victor, MT 59875
Contact: Erin Brown
Phone: (406) 642-3748

Yellowstone Coalition of Home Educators Edit Remove More
P.O. Box 30002, Billings, MT 59107
Contact: YCHE President
Phone: (406) 671-0838
Email: ychemt@gmail.com
We are here to answer questions you might have about home schooling in the greater Billings, MT area. Please see our website for information on joining. We offer support groups and parent classes.

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