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Practical Homeschooling® :
Bill Pride

Bill Pride

Former columnist for Practical Homeschooling Magazine.

Bill Pride has a B.S. in mathematics from MIT and a M.A. in mathematics from University of Missouri-St. Louis. He is also the proud father of nine homeschool graduates.

Homeschooling Articles by Bill Pride

Yes, I Am a Religious Homeschooler Government officials have scrutinized homeschooling from academic capability to social success. What new criticisms have they come up with?

Slackers Need Heroes The ultimate slacker prevention.

You've Got a Friend What is the father/husband's role in the homeschool?

Revenge of the Nerds Colleges need more math- and science-proficient students.

Getting Ready for (Gasp!) Algebra & Beyond How to get your child ready for high school math.

Teaching Algebra: The Search for X How and why to teach algebra.

Teaching Geometry: Measuring Up, Proving Yourself Geometry: the first pure math course.

Advanced Math: Trig, PreCalc, and more! Advanced Math: the bridge to Calculus.

Calculus: The Bridge to College Math and Science

High School Science When to start, which subjects to teach.

High School Biology What you need to know before teaching high-school biology.

High School Chemistry Things to consider when teaching high school lab chemistry.

Teaching Physics at Home How to succeed at teaching high school physics.

Calculate This! The pen is mightier than... the calculator?

Graph This Graphing calculators - a help or hindrance?

The Foundations of Science Improve science success by laying a good foundation.

Why You Need Lab Science Your teen needs lab science. Here's why...

Middle School Science What's it all about?

How to Get into Medical School What you need to do starting now to get into medical school!

The Great Probeware Scam Beware of "probeware" - the new science education boondoggle.

What College Math Majors Don't Know Help for future mathematics majors.

Math Wars What are the "math wars," and which side can you trust?

Statistics Can Be Sweet Everything you need to learn about homeschooling your kids in statistics.

Getting Ready for Algebra Laying a good foundation leads to algebra success

The National Bible Bee A contest rewarding mastery of the best book there is

It's a Wonderful Second Life I want to tell you about my second life—how I’m applying lessons learned in our homeschool to my own career.

Our Children's Inheritance The baton has been dropped. The current generation, as well informed as they try to be about social causes, are largely ignorant of who God is and what he has done as recorded in His Bible.

Considering a Career Change? If you are tired of your old occupation, this article might be for you.

It’s Time for Homeschool Teacher Appreciation Day! Sometimes the teachers in a homeschool need appreciation for what they do.

Is STEM in Your Future? The benefits of teaching STEM courses in your homeschool

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