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Practical Homeschooling® :
Lisa and Rhonda Barfield

Lisa and Rhonda Barfield

Former columnists for Practical Homeschooling Magazine.

Lisa Barfield is a 15-year old free-lance writer, a high school sophomore/junior who's homeschooled her entire life. In addition to acting in drama productions, she enjoys working on her two novels, playing violin, reading, and drawing.

Rhonda Barfield is Lisa's mother and author of Real-Life Homeschooling: The Stories of 21 Families Who Teach Their Children at Home, Feed Your Family for $12 a Day, and 15-Minute Cooking.

Homeschooling Articles by Lisa and Rhonda Barfield

How to Start a Music Co-op Lessons for all your kids in strings, orchestra, keyboard, guitar, and choir, for $20 per kid per semester. And it only takes one day a week. How does the Northwest County Homeschool Music Co-Op do it?

Road Trip: Behind the Scenes at a Homeschool Convention Rhonda takes us there.

Teach Your Children to Work Teaching your kids to do chores helps Mom and builds good character. Suggestions for how to get it organized.

Teaching Our Kids to Teach Lisa and Rhonda Barfield tell about a dramatic experience with kids teaching kids.

Learning Often Happens in Unexpected Ways Learning often happens when we least expect it.

Character Building: A Homeschool Mom's Journey How Rhonda Barfield made character training part of her homeschooling curriculum.

Lead Me to the Homeschool Village Rhonda Barfield tell how the homeschool community and other important people in our lives can be our "village."

Yes, Kids Can! Kids can do more to help around the house than most people think.

The Quest for the Perfect Homeschool A Quixotic quest at best

Boredom Busting: An Essential for Homeschoolers Make the choice: Entertain your kids or provide ways for your kids to learn to entertain themselves.

Keeping It Together: Getting a Handle on Outside Activities Managing outside activities so that they enhance, but don't interfere with homeschool

Prayer: A Vital Ingredient of Homeschool Admit you can’t figure out everything, and ask for God’s help.

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