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Practical Homeschooling® :
Joyce Swann

Joyce Swann

Former columnist for Practical Homeschooling Magazine.

Joyce Swann homeschooled her ten children from the first grade through master's degrees. She is a well-known author and speaker on the subject of homeschooling. For nearly a decade she was a popular columnist for Practical Homeschooling. She now blogs regularly on parenting, homeschooling, and Christian lifestyle issues. Her person story of her experiences raising and educating her family is chronicled in Looking Backward: My Twenty-Five Years as a Homeschooling Mother, published in February of 2011. Joyce is the President of Frontier 2000 Media Group (Frontier2000.net).

Homeschooling Articles by Joyce Swann

College at Home is a Bargain Joyce Swann reveals how to save $40,000 on a college degree.

College Bound at Home, Part1: The Elementary Years Joyce Swann gives tips on preparing for higher education in the lower grades.

Help: Where to Find It (College Resources) Joyce Swann thinks you can do college at home without long-distance calls to your professor.

Columnists Face Off - Accelerated Education Joyce Swann presents the advantages of homeschooling the way the Swanns do it.

Joyce Swann's Homeschool Tips How does this mother of 10 run their accelerated education program?

Joyce Swann's Organization Secrets, Part 1 Keeping your homeschool interruption-free!

Speed Your Kids Through High School Use this efficient curriculum plan to accelerate your children through high school.

Extracurricular Extravaganza Joyce Swann gives pointers on how to keep your life from becoming crazy with extracurriculars.

Steady Pace Wins the Race Joyce Swann explains why accelerated education is a misleading name for their homeschool.

Surviving an Accident as a Homeschool Mom Joyce Swann tells how she kept her homeschool running after she was severely injured by the family van.

Accelerated Education Joyce Swann prefers structure and traditional curriculum. Here's her success story.

How We Teach Worldview in Our Family Joyce Swann shares her methods for teaching Christian worldview.

Correspondence Schools Joyce Swann tells us how college distance learning worked for her family.

When Homeschool Goes Public Joyce Swann's homeschooled son became a substitute teacher in a public school. What happened then?

To Teach or Not to Teach [Multiculturalism] Familiarity breeds... what?

A Good Government Needs Good Officials Government as it ought to be.

Don't Go Back to School! Five reasons to consider a 12-month school year.

You Are Not Alone

The Best Graduation Gift Joyce gets a graduation gift from two of her children.

Science from a Christian Perspective How to teach science from a Christian perspective - using secular books.

To Maintain Control, Maintain a Schedule A schedule? What's that?

The Amazing Swann Family: Where Are They Now? These 10 homeschooled kids graduated from high school at 12 and college at 15. So how did the amazing Swanns turn out?

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