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Practical Homeschooling® :
Mary Pride

Mary Pride

Columnist for Practical Homeschooling Magazine.

Mary Pride is the publisher of Practical Homeschooling, the author of numerous books on homeschooling and family life, and the mother of nine totally homeschooled children. Her degrees are in electrical engineering and computer science.

Homeschooling Articles by Mary Pride

The Facts about Saxon Math Are there gremlins in Saxon Math? Mary gives you the whole story so you can decide for yourself.

The Problems: Good and "Bad" The complete list of Saxon's "objectional" problems and some select wholesome ones.

Betty Borrower and Barbara Blessing Neither a borrower nor a spender be? Hmm... that's not quite right.

Homeschool Goes High-Tech Homeschools now can have better tech than public schools.

CH****MAS or Christmas How to put "Christ" back into Christmas - and the "thanks" back into Thanksgiving.

Lets Get Wired Mary Pride thinks it's time homeschoolers should get wired.

Abolish High School? It's possible to get into college without high school.

Homeschooling Invaded by Marketers Where there's a market, there will be those tempted to exploit it.

Learning Disabilities: Fact or Fiction? What do we do when our kids don’t learn what we’re trying to teach them?

Tribal Guys in Funny Hats Our ancestors, those Tribal Guys in funny hats.

How to Fix the Health Care System The healthcare industry is in traction and the prognosis is not good. Can we help?

A Church That Works What in the world is the church supposed to be doing? Here are some surprising answers.

How the World SHOULD Work An economics system that works.

How to Succeed with Math Mary Pride's power-packed tips.

The Future of College

Soul Power A Bible reading plan that works.

Give Yourself a "CLEP Scholarship" Want to save thousands of dollars and months or years of time?

The Money Club How to start family clubs.

Hanging Out with God What books on prayer forget to tell you.

The Regents College Solution Exams you can take for college credit. Credit-banking. Credit review. Even a 2- or 4-year fully accredited college degree at home. See what "America's First Virtual University" has to offer.

Physical Excellence, Part 1: Getting Started First of a series on how to get your family in the best physical shape of their lives.

Taking Homeschooling Out of Your Home Why homeschool is so much more than "school at home".

Physical Excellence, Part 2: The Right Equipment The result of thousands of dollars and months of research: How to find and choose the best exercise equipment.

Good, Better, or Excellent? It's time to be better than the best.

Strong Against Temptation Want to build your children's character? Here are some practical (and not often heard) suggestions.

Discover Your Child's Learning Style We interview the ladies who wrote the book!

Top Tips for Teaching Toddlers Toddler teaching time!

Older Women Wanted Now that your children are grown, is it time to drop out of the homeschool movement?

Laptop Homeschool Laptop computers are becoming more and more affordable... What if you could fold up your entire homeschool, including the records, and carry it around in a bag?

University Model Schools Could this "school for homeschoolers" be the school of the future?

Homeschooling in the Outdoors From Franklin Pride's two-week mountain adventure, to a father-and-son trek, to the outdoors experience that inspired a successful college admissions essay, here's what some homeschoolers have learned in the great outdoors.

Summer Learning Fun! Schedules and contact information for almost a dozen homeschool-friendly ways to spend your summer vacation.

Homeschool Supplier of the Year The biggest winner in our 2002 Reader Awards was Dr. Jay Wile’s Apologia Educational Ministries—first place in all three relevant categories!

What We Can Learn from the Homeschooled 2002 National Geography Bee Winners These kids know geography. So, what methods did they and their parents use that let them beat nearly 5 million other kids?

Montessori High Montessori education is not just for preschool anymore.

What's Our Next Step? The Future of Homeschooling New challenges await the homeschool movement. Let's get ready to face them!

Don't Show Me the Money Homeschooling is not about money.

Wonder Mom Does the Math Homeschooling can be fun, especially in a big happy family.

Sibling Revelry How to encourage teamwork among your kids.

What is Homeschooling? Time to draw the line between public school offshoots and real homeschooling.

The Joy of Chores Chores - survival training for the real world.

Big Screen Homeschool How to get the most out of educational DVDs and videos.

How to Be Your Kids' Personal Guidance Counselor With the help of college expert Andrew Morkes, Mary Pride explores the intricate world of preparing a child for college.

Best Years of Our Lives Right now it's the best years of our lives!

The Sound of Homeschool The third generation of von Trapps are still singing. Learn about their life as performers and... homeschoolers.

Start a Community Newsletter An English couple explains what they can do to help you perform a community service and earn a good income at home.

Aiming for Honors Learn what we found out attending an honors college convention.

Vacation All Year Long Summertime, the time for new ideas.

Back to Homeschool Homeschooled kids really are privileged, and here’s why.

Annual Contests for Homeschoolers Entering your homeschooler into one of these contests might be the key to unlocking their inner talents.

Filmmaking for Kids, Part 1 Ready, aim, film! It's a whole new skill set for a whole new generation. Plus, we visit a film-making camp for kids.

Filmmaking for Kids, Part 2 What you need to know, and where you can learn it (besides school and camp)

Homeschoolers Win & Win & Win & Win Meet the homeschoolers who won four major academic competitions in 2007!

The Rules of High School are Changing Learn what you need to know about new graduation requirements and more.

Raising an Officer What are military academies looking for?

Easier by the Dozen Why two children can be more of a handful than one.

What Should We Teach Our Kids About Leadership? Jeff Myers has made a career of teaching kids about leadership. Here's what he has to say.

How to Turn Fat Kids Into Healthy Kids American kids are ballooning. What can we, as parents, do about this?

Satellite, Helicopter, or Backup Satellite parents, helicopter parents, and you.

Bears in the House Mike Berenstain shares the "inside story" about what it was like growing up with his parents and eventually working with his mom to continue the "Berenstain Bears" series.

Patriarchy, Meet Matriarchy Where the new movement for "Dad involvement" is missing the boat.

Getting Started in Homeschooling: The First Ten Steps Mary Pride explains the essential ten steps.

The STEM Sell How alarmed should we be about how American high-school students use their 3 Million Minutes

Soul Survivor: The Bethany Hamilton Story A shocking loss led to life-changing opportunities for this homeschooled surfer girl.

Career Chase What careers will still be there for our children in a decade or two? Will they be able to earn enough to support a family? PHS takes a peek into the future.

The Best Retirement Plan Ever You may think monetarily when looking towards your retirement plan, but there's an asset much more priceless you can invest in.

I Remember Chris Klicka Chris Klicka accomplished many great things for the homeschooling movement.

Beware of This Dual-Credit TRAP Dual credit hours in high school might make financial aid challenging in college.

There’s Always More to Learn Sometimes homeschooling kids requires we learn as we go.

College or Not? 31 Things You Need to Know Is college really necessary for your child's education?

Now, More Than Ever Homeschooling is increasingly becoming the best option for our kids.

The Summer Road to Success Summer vacation may not be the best option for your homeschool.

No More Best Friends? The Times raised the question; Here's our answer.

Waiting for “Supermom” The documentary Waiting for Superman helps us appreciate the advantages of homeschooling.

On “Adultescence” and the Modesty Survey A detailed report and analysis of Brett and Alex Harris’s Modesty Survey.

College Ready . . . or Not The ACT’s analysis of the college readiness of American high-school students

Is College Still Worth It? Is college still a financially viable option?

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