Summer Learning Fun!
By Mary Pride
Printed in Practical Homeschooling #46, 2002.
Schedules and contact information for almost a dozen homeschool-friendly ways to spend your summer vacation.
Summer is just around the corner. We like to give our readers some good ideas of ways to "homeschool away from home" during these upcoming summer months. Be sure to check the NewsShorts page for one such opportunity. Now, here are some more.
Worldview Training
After working so hard homeschooling them, you don't want to lose your kids to the college dope / booze / sex / relativism scene. Here are some organizations that can help.
Summit Ministries, PO Box 207, Manitou Springs, CO 80829, (719) 685-9103, The granddaddy of summer worldview training camps, two-week courses are offered both through its Colorado campus and one July 14-26 at Bryan College. College credit may be available for the latter. Contact (423) 775-7599, or visit
Worldview Academy, PO Box 310106, New Braunfels, TX 78131, (830) 620-5203, One-week summer camps offered at a variety of locations, plus a fall camp that tends to be heavily attended by homeschoolers. $475/student or $425/alumnus. Group and family rates are available.
Patrick Henry College, PO Box 1776, Purcellville, VA, (540) 338-1776,, offers Capitol Focus Teen Camps, one week each, on a variety of civics topics, for students age 14-18 as of the first day of camp. Cost is $425/camp.
Teen Missions International, 885 East Hall Rd., Merritt Island, FL 32953, (321) 453-0350,, has a huge number of group short-term training and missions opportunities, both in the USA and abroad, for teens and preteens. Last chance to request your packets is June 1. Many countries available: cost from $2000-$4000 for missions outside US. "Boot camp" training, airfare from/to base included.
TeenPact, whose ministry is training kids in our political system, also offers a variety of summer events. See the NewsShorts for their contact info.
Homeschool Family Retreats
Glorieta Conference Center, PO Box 8, Glorieta, NM 87535, (800) 797-4222. Try, but be warned that the Glorieta page was down when I checked. This year's National Homeschool Vacation will be August 11-16.
Bob Jones University Press has been a major homeschool publisher for years. BJUP's annual Home Education Leadership Program (HELP) conference is June 3-6, 2002.
Answers in Genesis has most of its annual Family Camps & Retreats in May, which means you wouldn't have time to plan after reading this issue. However, some are offered later in the summer. Visit and click on "Events" for a full list of events, including Family Camps.
Other Camps
Visual Manna, PO Box 553, Salem, MO 65560, (888) 275-7309,, offers these camps for homeschoolers: The first two camps. offered at the Bonebrake Center of Nature and History in Salem, MO, are incredibly inexpensive: only $30/day, or $60 if the student stays overnight. Adults are welcome, and a complete kit of all needed art supplies is $50. The Branson camp will have both family and individual prices, and will offer training in the musical, visual, and dramatic arts. Bonus: October 19 and 20 are Homeschool Family Days in nearby Silver Dollar City!
Outdoors Adventures
Alpha Omega Institute, PO Box 4343, Grand Junction, CO 81502, (970) 523-9943,, offers three Creation Mountain Adventures this year for the whole family. It's like a scaled-down version of "Outward Bound," with teaching on creation/evolution added. Twin Peaks camp is June 30-July 5. Redcloud camps are July 28-August 2 and August 4-9.
Summit Adventure, PO Box 498, Bass Lake, CA 93604, (559) 642-3899,, was our Cover Feature last issue, so hopefully you already know all about this Christian-focused "Outward Bound"-style program. Teen, father/son, mother/daughter, and homeschooler-only adventures are available.