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Practical Homeschooling® :
Chris Klicka

Chris Klicka

Former columnist for Practical Homeschooling Magazine.

As Senior Counsel of the Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA), Christopher J. Klicka successfully represented thousands of homeschool families threatened by prosecutors, social workers, and truant officers. He also worked on drafting federal legislation and lobbying on Capitol Hill. Chris was the author of the popular book, The Right Choice: Home Schooling, and his most recent book, The Heart of Home Schooling. He and his wife, Tracy, homeschooled seven children. For information on how to join HSLDA, call (540) 338-5600 or visit www.hslda.org.

Chris Klicka passed away October 12, 2009, after persevering for many years against multiple sclerosis.

Homeschooling Articles by Chris Klicka

From the Trenches The military is looking for a few good homeschoolers.

Can Homeschoolers Be Admitted to and Excel in College? You've been taught at home ... Can you get into college, and how will you do there?

Can Homeschoolers Participate In Public School Programs? How do we get involved in public-school sports, band, etc... and should we?

NCAA Scholarships Sports scholarships for homeschoolers? Read on!

A Parent's Choice Most kids don't get ill or die from most vaccines. So should we have to immunize our kids for the sake of national health?

The Social Worker At Your Door Yikes! There's a social worker knocking on your door! What do you do?

Homeschooling Around the World Chris Klicka, senior counsel for Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA), has been touring the world from Brazil to Japan. Read his state-of-the-homeschool address covering nine countries, and find out what you can do to help your fellow homeschoolers in other lands.

Homeschooling Special Needs Children Why you can do it better than a school official, why it's best for your child, and how to deal with the laws.

Parent-Taught Driver Education Saves Lives You've taught them everything from reading to math... Now it's time for you to teach them to drive.

Standing Against the Legislative Tide Six bad bills and how homeschoolers killed them dead. Plus some good legislative news, too!

Charter Schools: The Battle for the Soul of Homeschooling Charter schools: What are they? Are they beneficial or harmful to homeschooling? Hear the opinions of a homeschooling legal expert.

The Sneak Attack on Parents' Rights: Expanding Compulsory Attendance Toss the toddlers in the paddywagon and haul them off to school. And make high school kids attend more years, too. Crazy? Then read how our opponents tried to expand compulsory attendance age this year... and how home-schoolers (mostly) stopped them.

Homeschooling Even When Mom Is Ill How to keep homeschooling even when Mom is sick.

Top Ten Tips for Homeschool Dads Don't expect vague platitudes: Chris tells it like it is!

Top Ten Character Tips Top ten tips for building character. Bonus effect: they act as slacker prevention!

Top 10 Bible Tips Top ten tips for teaching Bible in your homeschool.

Top Ten Ways to Establish Lasting Relationships with Your Children

How to Give a Persuasive Speech

College Admissions and Financial Aid for Homeschoolers HSLDA attorney explains the current regulations governing "underage" homeschoolers being admitted to college and being awarded financial aid.

"Dad, Tell Me a Story!" How fathers can use storytelling to reach the hearts of their children.

Homeschooling Around the World: 2003 Our 2003 update on the status of homeschooling in other countries.

Our Honeymoon with the Press is Over It seems that the favorable treatment homeschooling has received from the press may be ending.

The Facts Are In: Homeschoolers Excel How do homeschool graduates turn out? The facts are in!

Homeschoolers Help World-Famous Pianist Fight Cancer Homeschoolers across the country join hands for a good cause.

Why are Educational Tax Credits Important? Educational tax credits and their implications for homeschoolers.

Why Manners Matter Chris tells us why good manners are always in style.

Homeschooling Under Fire Around the Country Chris describes the legislative battles homeschoolers face this year.

A Clear and Present Danger How should homeschoolers respond to legislation promoting mental health screenings?

No Fear: Social Workers Restrained! Congress passes new legislation to rein in social workers.

No More Children's Crusades Saving our kids from today's ill-fated children's crusade.

Religious Freedom is Endangered: How We Can Fight Back Religious freedom is an endangered species - what can we do to preserve it?

Homeschooling Works in the Work Place How homeschoolers have overcome barriers to employment.

How Much Can Your Student Work and Not Violate Labor Laws What homeschoolers need to know about child labor laws.

Homeschool Graduates Enlisting in the Military Are Protected Success in getting homeschoolers considered for military service, and the results once they're in.

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