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Practical Homeschooling® :

My College Experience at Age 12

By Jamie Turner
Printed in Practical Homeschooling #15, 1997.

I was a little nervous going through the college application process at twelve, but it all worked out.
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Jamie Turner

I was a little nervous when Dad and I went to talk to the Admissions Advisor, Mr. Valentine. On the way to the college, many thoughts ran through my mind. When I was about nine or ten, I had decided I wanted to start college early. At the time, I thought if I worked really hard maybe I could be ready by the time I was fourteen years old. Little did I expect that I would be ready for college when I was twelve - going on thirteen, but nonetheless there I was starting the application process.

I remember praying that morning that things would work out for the best, whether I got into college or not. After we got there, it was pretty simple. All we had to do was find Mr. Valentine, and talk to him about homeschooling, why I wanted to go to college early, how I worked for it, prayed about it, and about how we all felt that I was ready. He said that he needed some sort of papers stating that I had graduated from high-school. He also said I would have to take an Asset Test (the college entrance test for the Community College System). Depending on my scores, we would proceed after the test.

The first problem was easy. When we returned home, Mom went to the computer, created a diploma on a word processor, and printed it up. Then she printed up a copy of my high-school transcripts (she keeps accurate records, so that was simple). When Dad left for work that afternoon, he dropped off the documents at the college. They accepted the diploma and transcripts with no further questions.

Then for nine days I did intense review work. I worked especially hard in my weak area . . . math. The morning of the Asset Test I was really nervous. How I did on the test would decide whether or not I went to college. I prayed most of the way to the college. When we got there, I took the test. Afterwards we waited half an hour for the results . . . I passed with flying colors! Mom and Dad took me out for lunch as a reward.

Later in the week, I met my college advisor to decide what courses to take. I registered for two classes: Survey of The Old Testament and second-semester U.S. History. Mom took both of those classes with me. That was fun! It gave us some extra time together.

I was a little nervous on my first day of college. The professors were both very nice, and I loved both of my classes. The classes and experience were wonderful. My curiosity was satisfied. College was no big deal, after all. The classes were easy, yet rewarding. It was everything I thought it would be, but by the end of the semester I was tired of college life. Even though I passed with a 4.0 average, I was ready for a break! I decided not to take classes during the summer. Mom and Dad agreed that I needed some time off to pursue my interests.

By the time fall rolled around, I was writing my own newsletter, studying things that interested me, helping my younger siblings with schoolwork, planning a Youth Prayer Group, starting my sixth year of piano lessons, and reading all of the good books that I could find. I didn't think that I'd have time to do all those things if I went back to college. So after much prayer and discussion with my parents, I decided not to go back to college this semester. I made this decision, not because I don't like college, but because this is time I can never get back, and I am happy doing the things I'm doing. I'll probably go back to college next fall, but for now I'm happy being at home - doing what's important, studying whatever interests me, and just being myself!

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